Discover What Makes Chef John's Brownies Truly the Best

Yes, really! The best! These brownies deliver the Holy Trinity of brownie perfection — a crispy, flaky top, chewy edges, and a fudgy center.

Virtually everyone who posts a brownie recipe online claims that theirs is the best, and in keeping with that time honored traditional, I will do the same. These really are the best brownies. And I'm sure you'll agree when you make them, just as long as we're on the same page regarding which type of brownie we're talking about.

These are "fudgy" brownies, so if you prefer cake-like brownies you came to the wrong place. Please leave. But, before you do, I have to make sure you realize those are just a slightly thinner piece of chocolate cake. You can call it a brownie, but it's cake. Which brings me to my most common complaint about fudgy brownies. They're just a thinner piece of fudge.

That's not a problem with this easy recipe, as we get the moist, dense, chocolaty goodness of fudge, yet the brownie still features the texture and crumb of a baked good. The keys are using pure chocolate instead of part cocoa, as well as actually baking the brownie all the way through. Not over-baked but just cooked through, so as not to be left with raw, gummy dough once cooled.

Besides producing a proper inside texture, cooking the brownies long enough also gives us that signature shiny, crispy, flaky top crust, as well as my favorite part, chewy edges. And of course, if you want to toss in some nuts feel free, but these are so perfect, I didn't feel the need. Either way, I really hope you give these a try soon. Enjoy!

Listen to Allrecipes "Homemade" podcast to hear more from Chef John!

Get the recipe for Chef John's Best Brownies.

The Best Brownies
Chef John

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