How to Store Ceviche

Whenever raw fish is involved, storage can be tricky. 

As with any raw fish dish, ceviche requires some extra considerations when it comes to storage. This favorite seafood dish is cooked by the acidic juices it is marinated in, in a process otherwise known as denaturing. But does this mean it remains safe to eat hours, or even days later? Here's how to store ceviche the safe way.

What Is Ceviche?

Ceviche is a seafood dish made with a mixture of citrus juices, fresh fruits and/or vegetables, and raw fish — which is what makes it so precarious to store. This method of preparing fish is common in coastal South American cuisine.

The cool thing about ceviche is it requires no heat to cook — it is "cooked" by the acid in the citrus juices through a process known as chemical denaturing. This is what causes the fish to go from a pinkish, translucent color to an opaque white, while still retaining its moisture.

Is Ceviche Safe to Eat?

Here's the kicker: Although the process of chemical denaturing cures the meat, it doesn't necessarily kill any parasites or bacteria. This is why it's important to only purchase high-quality seafood when making ceviche — either pre-frozen fish that was preserved before being exposed to any contaminants or the freshest seafood available to you.

How Long Does Ceviche Last at Room Temperature

Typically, it will take about 30 minutes to an hour for the marinade to cook the fish. However, it will continue "cooking" as it sits in the marinade. While it might still be safe to eat, after sitting in the marinade for about two hours, the fish will begin to change in texture, and not in a good way. You'll want to serve ceviche as soon as it's finished marinating — we don't recommend keeping it out at room temperature for more than two hours.

ceviche with white fish, mango, tomatoes, and cilantro in bowl with serving spoon
Pictured: Mexican Mango and White Fish Ceviche. AllrecipesPhoto

How to Store Ceviche

So by now you can probably infer that ceviche is best served immediately. But if you do find yourself with leftover ceviche, pour off as much of the marinade as possible and store it in an airtight container in the fridge for best results. To freshen the flavor, you can squeeze a little more citrus juice over it the next day.

How Long Does Ceviche Last in the Refrigerator

Because the fish has been marinated in an acidic mixture, ceviche should be safe to eat for about two days when stored in the fridge. However, the texture will continue to change as the acid in the citrus juice breaks down the protein, which is why we don't recommend trying to make leftovers out of ceviche.

How to Tell If Ceviche Is Bad

You'll notice the longer you keep ceviche, the mushier it becomes. This is because the citric acid will continue breaking down the proteins in the fish. But as with all raw fish, when it has gone bad, you'll know by the smell.

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