How to Store Eggplant

Never have a bad eggplant again.

eggplants in wooden tray
Photo: Allrecipes

Delicate, large, and delightfully squishy, eggplant is a complicated and versatile fruit. But beneath that thick purple skin, eggplant is vulnerable, making it a pain to store.

Ensure that you only eat the best eggplant possible by storing it properly and using it before it starts going bad. Read on for the best ways to store eggplant at room temperature and in the fridge, how long eggplant lasts, and the best way to store eggplant in the freezer.

How to Store Eggplant

  • The best place to store eggplant for a few days is in the refrigerator. Eggplant is delicate. It's sensitive to light and both the heat and the cold, and it starts decomposing quickly.
  • Remove any plastic packaging to hold off spoiling quickly.
  • Raw, the fruit should only be stored whole — once the interior is exposed, it will start going bad.

How to Store Cut Eggplant

  • Storing cut eggplant isn't recommended because once the flesh is exposed, it will start browning and going bad.
  • However, if you've already cut it, store it in the fridge in an airtight container.
  • You may want to squeeze some lemon juice on top to prevent enzymatic browning.

In the Fridge

  • Before you refrigerate your eggplant, make sure it doesn't get too cold. Wrap it in a paper towel, place it in a perforated plastic bag, or store it in a reusable container before adding it to the fridge.
  • Eggplants do best in the crisper drawer, but if one is too big, it's better to let it sit on a shelf, as forcing it into the drawer can damage its surface.
  • Don't cut your eggplant until you cook or freeze it; otherwise, it will start browning.

At Room Temperature

  • If you're going to eat your eggplant immediately, it's best to store it at room temperature. Just eat it within two days and keep it away from sunlight.
  • Eggplant is sensitive to foods that produce ethylene, so keep it away from apples, bananas, tomatoes, melons, and peaches.
  • Don't store eggplant in a closed plastic bag, because this will accelerate the decomposing process.
  • After two days at room temperature, eggplant will start going bad.

How Long Does Eggplant Last?

  • A whole eggplant will last at room temperature for up to two days, but it will start going bad faster if it's exposed to sunlight or ethylene gas.
  • Eggplants prefer cool, dark environments, like a pantry or wine cooler, and their optimum storage temperature is around 50 degrees F.
  • Eggplant will last between five and seven days in the refrigerator as long as the skin hasn't been removed or damaged.
  • Cooked eggplant will last between three and five days in the refrigerator.

How to Tell If Eggplant Is Bad

Eggplant that is going bad may have dull skin or soft spots and a soft texture. The interior may be completely brown and slimy or may have an unpleasant odor. If your eggplant shows any of these signs, discard it.

Can You Freeze Raw Eggplant?

Raw eggplant does not freeze well due to its high water content. However, if you cook or partially cook eggplant and remove some of the moisture, it will freeze — just be aware that its texture won't be the same once it's thawed.

Go ahead and puree your eggplant if you're using it to make a soup, sauce, or spread. If you don't have a specific intent or recipe for your eggplant, you can simply slice it, roast it, and then freeze the slices.

How to Freeze Eggplant

  • Slice your eggplant into one-inch rounds, and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
  • Bake for 15 minutes at 350 degrees F. Remove from oven and let cool completely.
  • Place the cooled eggplant into an airtight container, such as a zip-top, freezer-safe bag. Label the container and use within six months.


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