How to Store Radishes to Keep Them Fresh For Longer

Learn how to store radishes properly with step-by-step instructions. 

fresh radishes with green tops
Photo: Meredith

Fresh radishes offer bright, peppery flavor and crisp texture to salads, sandwiches, and more. They can quickly turn mushy if they're not stored the right way, however. Make the most of your radishes by learning how to store them properly at room temperature, in the fridge, or in the freezer.

How Long Do Radishes Last?

It depends on how you store them. Radishes will last two to four days at room temperature, so the counter or pantry is a great option if you plan to consume them quickly. In the fridge, meanwhile, they should stay good for one to two weeks. For long term storage, consider freezing your radishes for up to six months.

How to Store Radishes


Follow these simple steps to keep your radishes fresh for as long as possible.

How to Store Whole Radishes At Room Temperature

The secret to storing fresh radishes at room temperature? A bowl of water. To store radishes on the counter or in the pantry:

  1. Place unwashed, untrimmed radishes in a sturdy bowl. Arrange them so the leaves are pointed upward.
  2. Partially submerge the radishes in cold water. The water should cover about an inch bulb, but the leaves should remain dry.
  3. Change the water daily until the leaves begin to droop. Once the leaves show signs of wilting, either cook your radishes immediately or move them to the fridge.

How to Store Whole Radishes In the Fridge

If you use the water bowl method in the fridge, the radishes will last for about a week. To get a little more life out of them, though, you can use an airtight storage bag. This method will keep whole radishes fresh for up to 14 days:

  1. Trim the radishes to remove their roots and leaves. Don't wash them yet, as too much extra moisture will speed up the spoiling process.
  2. Lightly dampen two paper towels with a few sprinkles of water or moist hands. Use them to line the inside of an airtight plastic or reusable storage bag.
  3. Place the radishes between the paper towels, squeeze out any excess air, then seal the bag. Store them in the crisper drawer of your fridge for two weeks, or until the bulbs begin to soften.

Note: To store cut radishes, you'll need to follow the steps above within two hours to prevent spoilage. Sliced radishes will last two to three days in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator.

Freezing Radishes

If you have a lot of radishes to use up before they go bad, freezing is probably your best bet. To freeze radishes up to six months:

How to Freeze Radishes

  1. Prepare your radishes for the freezer by trimming the roots, cutting away the leaves, and washing thoroughly with cold water. But don't peel them! The skin offers some protection and helps preserve the texture.
  2. Cut, cube, or slice the radishes. Avoid freezing them whole – the skin may split, causing the texture to lose quality.
  3. Blanch the radishes by boiling them for two to three minutes. Immediately transfer them to a bowl of ice water to stop cooking. Dry them thoroughly.
  4. Arrange the radishes in a single layer on a baking sheet. Cover with storage wrap and freeze for at least four hours.
  5. Transfer the frozen radishes to a freezer bag labeled with the date. Freeze between four and six months.

How to Thaw Radishes

Most of the time, you should be able to cook your radishes from frozen. If you need or want to thaw them, though, just transfer them from the freezer to the fridge for a few hours. They should thaw relatively quickly, but you can speed up the process by holding them under running water.

Other Ways to Preserve Radishes

Quick Pickled Radishes
France C

Not into any of these storage methods? We've got you covered! Many people prefer to preserve their radishes by pickling. Pickled radishes, a milder alternative to pickled onions, add sweet and sour flavor to salads, sandwiches, and more. Learn more with Our Guide to Homemade Pickles. Once you're an expert, you can try one Our Best Pickled Radish Recipes.


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