How To Extend the Shelf Life of Your Sour Cream by WEEKS

This simple trick will keep the green fuzzies away from your precious tub of dairy.

Sour cream on nachos
Photo by Getty Images.

I love sour cream. I know that these days it's far more fashionable to extol the virtues of creme fraiche and yogurt. But for me, there really is nothing that matches the creaminess and tang of good sour cream. Whether it's stirred into a warm sauce (where there is very little chance of it breaking if it's heated gently), dolloped on, well, virtually anything, or making a mayonnaise-based sauce or dressing (paradoxically) lighter, sour cream brings a uniquely spectacular flavor and texture to any party.

But there is one thing about sour cream that always makes me sad. Oftentimes, I'll remember that I have enough left in the fridge to easily upscale tonight's dinner only to go to find a suspiciously green and furry plastic container. But wait… I only opened that a few days ago. How could it possibly have gone bad so quickly? Isn't sour cream already "spoiled"? Shouldn't it have lasted longer?

Another thing that makes me sad: Sour cream often comes in very small containers that are not inexpensive. So, when I make a trip to the big box store, I'm very tempted to buy one of those large, more cost-effective containers. But that gets me back to the first problem. Will I be able to use all of it before the attack of the green fuzzies?

This pair of problems led me to a solution that, I admit, I'm thrilled with.

After you first open and use some sour cream, take a piece of plastic wrap and place it directly on the surface of the sour cream, making sure it's pressed in completely against the various hills and valleys. This is just like preventing a "skin" on homemade pudding. Then replace the lid and refrigerate. Do this every time you use more sour cream. And then, when you've used enough, you can even move it to a smaller container, and replace the plastic wrap. It also helps to keep the sides of the container as clean as you can. (Using a mini silicone spatula when scooping sour cream from the container is especially effective here.) Air is the enemy, so limiting any possible air exposure is the key.

I have been shocked by the success of this. I have, literally, been able to keep sour cream perfectly fresh and usable for well over a month. And as most of you likely know, that never happens if you just put the top back on the container. Try this; I think you'll be very pleased with the results. You can now dollop with abandon. And any meal with a little dollop is a wonderful thing!


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