How to Store Spinach to Keep It Fresh for Longer

Keep your spinach crisp and fresh for as long as possible with these step-by-step storage instructions. Plus, learn how to freeze spinach for maximum shelf life.

Did you know that fresh spinach can last up to 10 days? If your spinach is going bad more quickly, you may be storing it wrong. But don't worry! We're here to help you fix those bad habits. Here's everything you need to know about picking, storing, and freezing your spinach for maximum shelf life:

How to Store Spinach

The best way to store spinach depends on whether the greens are fresh or cooked. Follow these easy, step-by-step instructions to make your spinach last for as long as possible.

Full frame shot of leaf spinach
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How to Store Fresh Spinach

  1. Gently wrap fresh spinach in a paper towel to absorb excess water. Moisture speeds up the decaying process, so you'll want to keep it to a minimum.
  2. Place the paper towel-wrapped spinach in a storage container or bag. Seal the container tightly.
  3. Store the spinach in the crisper drawer of your fridge for about 10 days.
  4. If your spinach isn't in an airtight container, make sure you don't store it next to ethylene-producing fruits (such as bananas and apples). Exposure to ethylene gas will cause your spinach to go bad more quickly.

How to Store Cooked Spinach

  1. Allow cooked spinach to cool to room temperature.
  2. Place the spinach in an airtight storage container or zip-top bag.
  3. Cooked spinach can last anywhere from three to five days in the refrigerator.

Can You Freeze Spinach?

Spinach and Banana Power Smoothie
Mackenzie Schieck

Yes! You can definitely freeze spinach. It's probably the best way to store spinach if you need to keep it for more than a week or so.

The frozen greens are obviously great for smoothies, but they also work well in soups, sauces, casseroles, stir-fries, and so much more. Just don't try to substitute frozen spinach for fresh — freezing changes foods on a chemical level and, even when thawed, it won't ever taste the same again.

How to Freeze Spinach

You can freeze whole spinach leaves or puréed spinach. Whole spinach leaves will incorporate easily into soups, sauces, and more. The second method is slightly more labor intensive, but it's perfect for simplified smoothie-making.

How to Freeze Fresh Spinach

Simply place the whole spinach leaves in freezer bags (make sure to remove all the excess air before sealing them tightly). Store them in the freezer for up to a year.

How to Freeze Puréed Spinach

Just run the whole leaves through the blender with a tiny bit of water. Freeze the puréed spinach in ice cube trays for up to a year.

How to Pick Spinach at the Store

spinach and pomegranate salad in a glass bowl

Choose spinach that is crisp and unwilted. The leaves should be vibrant green and you should avoid those that have yellow or brown spots.

Stems may be fibrous or thin — fibrous stems tend to be mature and tough, while thin stems are generally younger and more tender.

Young, tender spinach is best used raw. Mature spinach works better in cooked recipes, as it stands up to heat better.

How to Tell When Spinach Has Gone Bad

There's not a lot of guesswork involved when it comes to realizing when your spinach is past its prime: You'll be able to see, feel, and smell it. As it starts to turn not-so-fresh, the leaves will wilt and lose their bright green color. After a while, they'll become slimy and may take on an unpleasant scent.


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