My Mom's Simple Trick For Ooey, Gooey Brownies

Sure, you can make brownies with frosting, or fudge brownies, or brownies with caramel. But my mom will tell you there's an easier way: When in doubt, add MARSHMALLOWS.

Brownies Topped with Marshmallows
Photo by Karen Gaudette Brewer.

Step 1: Mix up those brownies

Prepare your favorite brownie recipe, whether from a box or from scratch.

Step 2: Prep your marshmallows

Use mini marshmallows for ease or cut/rip regular marshmallows into thirds and place in a bowl (or on a large plate if you want them not to stick together). I like to use kitchen shears to snip my marshmallows.

Topping Brownies with Marshmallows
Photo by Karen Gaudette Brewer.

Step 3: Add that gooey layer

About five minutes before your brownies are done, pull them from your oven and top with your marshmallows. You can carefully space them so there's one atop each square you'll later cut. Or, you can scatter them like my 2.5-year-old son.

Brownies Topped with Marshmallows
Photo by Karen Gaudette Brewer.

They'll puff and brown and melt a bit just like over a campfire. Enjoy their ooey, gooey-ness. Note: slicing into hot brownies is tricky to start, but even more so when marshmallows are involved. Use a plastic knife or run hot water over a metal knife before cutting and you'll have a better shot. Otherwise, let your brownies completely cool and then dig in.

They'll look like this:

Cut Brownies Topped with Marshmallows
Photo by Karen Gaudette Brewer.

Step 4: Make 'em extra special

I like my mom's method because it's a cinch. Take your brownies to the next level by adding the makings of s'mores. No campfire required.

S'more Brownies

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