Sam's Club Is Selling Massive Pecan and Pumpkin Pies Just in Time For Thanksgiving

If the turkey doesn't put you to sleep, these pies will.

Sam's Club 52-oz pecan pie
Sam's Club 52-oz pecan pie. Photo: Sam's Club

As you may have already heard, there's a good chance that there will likely be fewer seats at many Thanksgiving tables this year, what with social distancing and the pandemic's effect on travel. That could already impact the size of turkeys on sale, with Walmart already announcing plans to up its supply of smaller portions.

Don't tell all that to Sam's Club, though, because it seems like they're planning on selling some pretty hefty pies. Based on photographic evidence from @SamsClubMembers on Instagram, Walmart retail warehouse cousin may have missed the memo about Thanksgivings getting smaller in 2020.

In addition to offering a wide array of tastes, clicking through the photos reveals that these pies are truly massive. We're talking a 2.75-pound cherry pie, 3-pound peach pies... and that's just the beginning. In terms of more seasonally thematic baked goods, we're also seeing pumpkin and pecan pies that tip the scales at 56 ounces (3.5 pounds).

If that somehow wasn't enough to fill the gaping hole in your stomach after a meal of turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing, then maybe a 72-ounce (4.5-pound) apple pie will be enough. Seriously: If you've got nine people gathered around the Thanksgiving table (an assumption that may be on the high end this year), everyone gets a half pound of pie for themselves. They won't even want to think about apples until the new year by the time they're done with this one.

The pies may be too big, but the savings are, too. That 3.5-pound pumpkin pie can be had for just under $6, and even the pricier pecan of the same weight nets out at $3.42 per pound of delicious pie. Turns out buying in bulk can apply to baked goods as well.

While these pies might prove too excessive for your modest Thanksgiving meal, just know that leftovers are definitely a thing. Who knows, maybe you can still serve some of them up around Christmas.

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