What Are Murasaki Sweet Potatoes?

It's time to switch up your spuds. 

murasaki sweet potato cut on wooden surface
Photo: Fotosmurf03/Getty Images

This relatively new variety of sweet potato stands out for its reddish purple hue (although it does not have a purple flesh like some other varieties). If you frequent the aisles of Trader Joe's, you may have spotted bags of these purple spuds. Here's everything you need to know before you make the leap to Murasaki sweet potatoes.

What Is a Murasaki Sweet Potato?

Murasaki sweet potatoes are characterized by their deep purple skin and creamy white flesh, as well as their extra starchy texture.

Although they're sometimes labeled "Japanese sweet potatoes," Murasaki sweet potatoes were actually developed in Louisiana. The name Murasaki means "purple" in Japanese, as the potato is similar in look and taste to many Asian types. The variety, invented in 2001 and patented by the Louisiana Experiment Station, was released to growers in 2008. Despite the fact that they were developed in Louisiana, Murasaki sweet potatoes are mostly grown in California.

What Does a Murasaki Sweet Potato Taste Like?

These sweet potatoes have a distinctive nutty flavor, with hints of brown sugar and vanilla. They also have a high dry matter content (30 to 32 percent), which just means their flesh tends to be more dry and starchy.

Murasaki Sweet Potato vs. Common Sweet Potato

sliced murasaki sweet poatoes next to sliced orange-fleshed sweet potatoes
Diane Labombarbe/Getty Images

Aside from the obvious differences in color, the common, orange-fleshed sweet potato found in American grocery stores (usually Beauregards or Jewels) and Murasaki sweet potatoes have a number of key differences. For one, Murasaki sweet potatoes are much drier, with a flesh that more resembles a regular potato than a sweet potato when cooked.

In terms of flavor, Murasaki sweet potatoes have a more earthy, nutty sweetness rather than the sugary-sweet flavor of orange-fleshed sweet potatoes.

Where to Buy Murasaki Sweet Potatoes

Calling all Trader Joe's shoppers: You can find Murasaki sweet potatoes seasonally at the grocery chain. Otherwise, you may be able to find them at other grocery chains as well as health food and specialty stores. Peak season runs early fall through winter.

How to Us Murasaki Sweet Potatoes

bowl of creamy potato soup with spoon and sandwich
Diana Moutsopoulos

You can use Murasaki sweet potatoes much like you would russet potatoes. Their high starch content makes them ideal for roasting, either whole or cubed. Cooked on high heat, they get irresistibly crispy on the outside and soft and tender on the inside (hello, purple oven fries!). You can also puree them for use in soups or stews.


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