Why Thighs are Infinitely Better Than Any Other Cut of Chicken

Case closed.

Listen, I'm only going to say it once, and I'm not going to say it again. Chicken thighs are the best cut of chicken. End of story. Discussion is over. Thanks for coming to my TED talk. Whether we're talking boneless, skinless or bone-in, skin-on, I don't really care, because both are superior to every other part of the bird. I am a dark meat girl 'til the day I die and I'm here to shout it off the rooftops. And I have proof. Here are the many reasons:

Easier to Cook

One of the most underrated and not-talked-enough-about qualities of chicken thighs is that it's nearly impossible to overcook them. The beauty of dark meat! Unlike the other most common cut of chicken (breasts), thighs are extremely forgiving when it comes to cook times. If you let 'em cook for several minutes after they've reached 165°F, don't sweat it — you'll still have juicy, succulent chicken and nobody will have to know that they may have been slightly overcooked. Breasts, on the other hand, will be sure to tell all your guests that you cooked them for just a minute too long. They can go from tender and flavorful to bone-dry and just plain sad after a few too many minutes of cooking. If you're hesitant to cook chicken because you're nervous about cook times, start with thighs.

close up of crispy baked chicken thighs served with roasted cabbage
Brie Passano

Way More Flavorful

Any good cook knows that fat is flavor, and that is yet another reason why thighs are superior to breasts. Chicken thighs are a fattier cut of meat, which means they're going to have more intense, rich flavor than their white meat counterparts. No matter the cooking preparation, chicken thighs will always yield a richer, more flavorful product. Chicken thighs are commonly sold with their skin on, unlike like a skin-on breast — which is quite hard to find unless you're buying your bird whole and breaking it down yourself. If you're concerned about calories, well... I'm not a nutritionist, but chicken is chicken. Sure, more fat might equal more calories, but life is meant to be lived and chicken thighs are meant to be eaten.

Better For Your Budget

While prices vary from store to store, generally speaking, chicken thighs are cheaper than breasts. Boneless, skinless will run you a bit more than their bone-in, skin-on counterparts, but both are typically less expensive than breasts or tenders. Plus, when you buy bone-in thighs, you can carve out the bones and save them in your freezer for future stocks. Now THAT is how you get a real bang for your buck. Can't do that with breasts, now can you?

So, have I made my point clear? Why waste your time buying any other cut of meat when chicken thighs exist? I've said what I've needed to say, and that is all. Carry on.

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