Can You Freeze Half-and-Half?

Not sure if you'll be able to use all your half-and-half? The freezer is your friend.

half and half poured into coffee

Half-and-half may is a staple in many homes, added to a cup of Java each morning or used as a milk substitute for an array of recipes. This creamy ingredient can be the secret to a decadent sauce or a tasty baked French toast.

Whether you always keep half-and-half in your fridge or only purchase it on occasion, if you find yourself checking the expiration date, you may wonder — can you freeze it?

Can You Freeze Half-and-Half?

Yes, it's possible to freeze half-and-half. So if you have an excess amount in your fridge, there's no need to worry about how you'll use the rest of the carton right away.

It's not recommended to freeze fat-free or low-fat versions because other ingredients are used to make up for the lack of fat and cream. When thawed, the texture simply won't be the same.

a top down view of a skillet full of creamy shrimp scampi garnished with fresh cracked black pepper and chopped parsley

Get the recipe: Creamy Shrimp Scampi with Half-and-Half

How to Freeze Half-and-Half

For best results, half-and-half should transferred to another container or a sealable plastic bag in the portion sizes you may need. Another option is to pour half-and-half into ice cube trays — this is especially handy if you plan to freeze for your coffee or tea.

How Long Can You Store Half-and-Half in the Freezer?

The length of time half-and-half can last in the freezer will depend on how it is stored. Storing it in a sealable, freezer-safe plastic bag is the way to go — just make sure the freezer is set to 0 degrees F or lower. Half-and-half can stay frozen indefinitely as long as it's stored correctly, but it's recommended to use it within three months for the best flavor.

How to Thaw and Use Frozen Half-and-Half

Before you use half-and-half that you've pulled from the freezer, ensure that it's fully thawed. Some might just place the frozen cube directly into a piping hot coffee cup, though it's recommended to let it thaw first, then stir before mixing it in.

Once it's back to its liquid consistency, it's likely the fat will have separated from the water, creating a grainy texture. Shake vigorously or whisk to blend and make the mixture smooth again.

There is a possibility that thawed half-and-half won't regain it's smooth texture. If this happens, it's still usable but may be better suited for baked goods or dishes where the texture won't be as noticeable.


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