9 Old-Fashioned Pancake Recipes From Grandmas and Grandpas

buttermilk pancakes with utter and syrup on an ivory plate
Photo: Annette Hansen

What could be better than waking up to buttery pancakes sizzling in the skillet? Waking up to pancakes at Grandma and Grandpa's. No one makes batter from scratch better than grandparents, so we've compiled this collection of recipes from our community's own grandmothers and grandfathers. Our family-favorite flapjacks include buttermilk pancakes, sourdough pancakes, cornmeal pancakes, and gingerbread pancakes. Pass the syrup!

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Good Old Fashioned Pancakes

side view of a stack of four pancakes on a plate with syrup
Angela Brakatselos

"This is a great recipe that I found in my Grandma's recipe book. Judging from the weathered look of this recipe card, this was a family favorite," recipe contributor Dakota Kelly says. It's a community favorite, too. More than 17,000 home cooks have rated this recipe, which boasts an almost five-star average.

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Grandma's Buttermilk Pancakes

buttermilk pancakes

These basic buttermilk pancakes will convince you to make the switch from boxed mix for good. Recipe contributor Daniel Roberts calls them the best. Let us know if you agree!

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Grandad's Pancakes

stack of pancakes with wedge cut into the stack

"This secret family pancake recipe was passed down from my grandfather. He fed a family of seven (including four growing boys!) on these pancakes, and refused to give anyone the recipe until he finally relinquished it to my mother (his daughter-in-law)," home cook Erin MacInnis says. With an average rating of five stars, these pancakes will win over your family, too.

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Grandma's Sourdough Pancakes

sourdough pancakes

"My Southern grandma made these wrapped around North Carolina sausages. They are denser than traditional pancakes," recipe contributor gololly says. Just stir sourdough starter into a simple, six-ingredient batter, and let it sit for 10 minutes before heating up the griddle.

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Grandma Mary's Cornmeal Pancakes

cornmeal pancakes on a plate
Tammy Lynn

"Originally made by my great-grandma Mary who made them when she couldn't afford anything more than cornmeal," recipe contributor JD Randall says. Cornmeal makes these 'cakes a delicious alternative to recipes that call only for all-purpose flour.

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Grandma's Gingerbread Pancakes

close up of Grandma's Gingerbread Pancakes
Alberta Rose

"My dear Grammie was making gingerbread one morning and my brother and I arrived, starving! She altered the recipe slightly, put it on the grill, and the result is this delicious recipe. The smell of it cooking always takes me back to that morning," home cook CKINCAID1 says. With that said, you'll want to add dried ginger, ground cinnamon, and molasses to your pancake batter from here on out.

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Grandma's Soul Food Pancakes (with Plantains)

pancakes on griddle

"My grandmother is from Mississippi. I call these her 'soul food' pancakes because she grew up at a time when people who had very little made simple meals taste super delicious. Every Sunday before church, she made these pancakes to get us out of bed. They have a crepe like texture but are still pancakes and are delicious," home cook Andrrreag says. Adding plantains to the batter really sets this recipe apart.

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Pancakes from Scratch

stack of pancakes with maple syrup
Deb C

"My grandfather's recipe for thick and amazing pancakes! Serve with real maple syrup," recipe contributor Kaylee Sawyer says. Reviewers say this simple recipe also works well with gluten-free flour and whole-wheat flour.

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Mom's Buttermilk Pancakes

buttermilk pancakes with utter and syrup on an ivory plate
Annette Hansen

"These pancakes are passed down from my grandmother, who was fully Scandinavian. They are light and fluffy, and great with berry syrups," home cook Cinnken says. Reviewers also rave on the pillowy consistency of these pancakes.

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