This Genius Way of Storing Chipotles in Adobo Is a Game-Changer

Proper storage can make this ingredient more accessible and appealing.

chipotles in adobo on a cutting board with one cut open

Michelle Lee Photography/Getty Images

Many years ago, I bought a cookbook by Canadian chef and cooking instructor Bonnie Stern. Several of the recipes called for chipotles in adobo sauce, which I had never used. I found the small can in the Mexican food aisle at the grocery store and followed Stern's curious instructions for storage, which required some upfront work.

Instead of removing a chile every time you need one and chopping it up (a messy and time-consuming job), Stern recommends puréeing the entire contents as soon as you open the can, then transferring it to a small jar or glass container in the fridge. (I prefer glass to plastic, as the sauce is acidic and could cause plastic to leach unpleasant chemicals.) Then, just scoop out a spoonful of chipotle purée whenever you want to add that smoky heat to a dish.

This has proven to be a most wonderful and useful kitchen hack. I have lost track of the number of guests who have commented on the rich chipotle flavor in dishes I make, such as beef chili, braised pork for tacos, breakfast burritos, bean soups, and more—and many say they have started buying the little cans after seeing how I store and use the purée.

And while I learned this tip from Stern, others are embracing the magic of this storage trick as well. Youtube cooking personality @Piloncilloyvainilla shows us just how simple this method is in a video short she posted in November 2022.

I find that some ingredients get overlooked because they are tricky to handle or just require too much effort to incorporate into a dish, particularly if you are cooking in a hurry, as I always seem to be doing on busy weeknights with a big hungry family. Having easy shortcuts on hand, like this purée, make it much easier. Instead of dirtying a cutting board and getting spicy sauce all over my fingers, it's quick and easy to scoop out of a jar.

Chipotles in adobo sauce are versatile and delicious. You can use them in many different ways, from flavoring fish tacos to seasoning roasted peanuts to boosting the flavor of hummus to improving mashed sweet potatoes. Stir into eggs before scrambling, add to enchilada sauce, or mix with ketchup for an amped-up burger topping. The sky's the limit! 

But don't forget to purée that whole can as soon as you open it. It will make your life easier and your food better!

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