How to Cut a Bell Pepper

It only requires a few simple cuts to prep your bell pepper for any recipe.

cut bell pepper

Sara Haas

If you’ve ever made fajitas, pizza or chili, there’s a good chance you’ve cut a bell pepper. But maybe you struggled with the best way to get the job done? Ultimately, there’s no wrong or right way to cut a bell pepper, but with a few tips, you can do so quickly and confidently. 

Here are a few tips before you get started:

  • When rinsing your pepper, be sure to clean around the stem. That area tends to be a place where dirt gets trapped. A vegetable scrub brush is a good tool to help clean that area.
  • Before you cut into a bell pepper, it’s good to identify its bumps or lobes. They’re attached to the seeds inside the pepper by a white membrane. They’re a handy visual and will be used as a guide for cutting.
  • Lastly, practice, practice, practice! The more you perform this task, the easier it becomes. 

What you need:

A bell pepper - Look for a pepper with smooth, firm, shiny skin. It should be free from blemishes, soft spots, cuts and wrinkles. It should be heavy for its size.

Water - Like any food you plan on cutting, you’ll need to give your bell pepper a good rinse under cool, running water to clean it.

A sharp knife - A chef’s knife works best for this task. 

Cutting board - A heavy board that’s dedicated for fruits and vegetables is ideal. 

How to Cut a Bell Pepper

Step 1: Wash the bell pepper under cool, running water. Pat dry with a clean towel or paper towels. 

rinsing bell peppers

Step 2: Place a damp paper towel on your work surface then cover with your cutting board. This creates a stable surface for cutting.

cutting board

Step 3: Trim off both ends of the bell pepper. Do not discard.

cutting bell pepper stem
cut bell pepper

Step 4: Set pepper on one of the cut ends and identify the lobes and membranes that attach them to the seeds. Use your knife to cut from the top of the pepper (removing the membrane to detach the pepper from the seeds) to the bottom, using the lobes as a guide. Discard or compost the seeds.

bell pepper
cut bell pepper

Step 5: Cut pepper away from stem. Discard or compost stem.

cut bell pepper

Step 6: Cut into slices, dice or chop.

sliced bell peppers


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