Whisky Is the Secret to These Top-Notch Ribs

Factor in a two-part cooking method, and you've got perfectly tender ribs for your cookout.

Honey-Glazed Baby Back Ribs with Whiskey Marinade
Photo: © Cedric Angeles

Ribs are a summertime classic, and so is grilling. These honey-glazed baby back ribs from chef Andy Ricker combine the two with a few extra twists—namely, slow-roasting the ribs before charring them on the grill, and incorporating a touch of whisky into the marinade. Flavor is infused into the meat at every step, from the initial marinating process (four hours!), to basting the ribs while they roast (twice!) to finally, sealing everything in with a quick grill. With a dipping sauce on the side to finish everything off, these ribs would be an impressive addition to any cookout.

Read on for a step-by-step guide to making them, and grab the recipe below.

Marinate the Ribs

The marinade for these ribs includes soy sauce, honey, finely grated fresh ginger, freshly ground white pepper, sesame oil, ground cinnamon, freshly grated nutmeg, and whisky, of course. Whisk it all together, pour the marinade over the ribs, and let 'em sit in the fridge for four hours, covered, so the marinade has enough time to permeate the meat. Besides adding depth of flavor, the whiskey also helps to tenderize the meat, ensuring a melt-in-your-mouth consistency.

Get Your Glaze and Dipping Sauce Ready

The flavor doesn't stop with the marinade. These ribs are also basted with a honey glaze made from honey thinned with hot water, and served with a hot, sour, salty, and sweet dipping sauce that combines lime juice, fish sauce, soy sauce, gochugaru, chopped cilantro, and sugar.

Roast and Baste

Once they're done marinating, the ribs are ready to roast in the oven. First, they go on a large rimmed baking sheet lined with aluminum foil (meaty side up), and roast in a 300°F oven for two hours, until tender. At this point, the basting liquid comes into play, helping the ribs turn glossy and brown as they return to the oven for another 15 minutes. After a final baste, they're all set to go on the grill.

Grill and Serve

All that's left to do is give the ribs a quick (light) char. Grilling on moderately high heat, turn them once over the course of four minutes so they get a nice crust. Then, place the rib racks on a cutting board, cut them into individual ribs, and arrange them on a platter. Don't forget to have a bowl of the dipping sauce on hand—and if you want to have a drink alongside? A dry, crisp Provençal rosé is your best bet.

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