The Butler's Berries

Plus: More Dessert Recipes and Tips

24 chocolate-dipped strawberries
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  • 1 pound bittersweet chocolate, tempered

  • 1 pound white chocolate, tempered

  • 24 whole fresh strawberries, stems attached


  1. Hold a fresh strawberry by the stem and dip the front of it in white chocolate. This will be the butler's breastplate. Allow the chocolate to set. Dip the side of the berry in dark chocolate. Turn the berry and dip the other side in dark chocolate. This forms the coat. Allow the chocolate to set. Fill a small pastry bag with dark chocolate to pipe 2 to 3 buttons on the front of the white chocolate. Use more chocolate to draw a small bow tie at the top of the white breast. Trim the stem close to the hull. Voila!

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