Steak Tartare and Boston Lettuce Salad

Ludo Lefebvre shares his easy recipe for the classic French dish steak tartare, served with a crips Boston lettuce salad.For a step-by-step demonstration on how to make this recipe, see this video. Slideshow: More Steak Recipes 

Steak Tartare and Boston Lettuce Salad
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  • 800 grams of beef tenderloin

  • 2 shallots

  • 1/2 cup capers

  • 8 cornichons

  • 1 bunch of fresh tarragon

  • 1 tablespoon French Dijon mustard

  • 1 tablespoon Tabasco

  • 1/2 tablespoon ketchup

  • 2 tablespons Worcestershire sauce

  • Olive oil

  • Black pepper

  • Salt

  • Crispy fried onions

  • 4 extra fresh organic eggs

  • 4 slices Country bread

  • 1 Boston lettuce salad

  • 1/4 lemon

  • 1/4 cup olive oil

  • Salt

  • Pepper



  1. Trim the meat; make sure you cut out the nerves. You can also ask your butcher to do so. Then cut “au couteau” with a knife and not a grinder, the meat in small cubes.

  2. Chop the shallots, capers, tarragon and slice the cornichons. In a salad bowl mix the mustard, Tabasco, Worcestershire sauce, ketchup, olive oil, salt and pepper. It’s really up to you to balance the sauce how you like it. You can put more or less Tabasco, mustard. Trust your own taste.

  3. Add the meat and mix gently, then add the shallots, capers, tarragon and capers. Break the eggs and keep the yolks in for separate containers.


  1. Toast the bread on the burner or with your toaster.


  1. Season your Boston lettuce with lemon, olive oil, salt and pepper to you taste.


  1. Place a generous portion of tartare, sprinkle some crispy fried onions and add the egg yolk. In separate bowl serve the salad and eat the tartare with the toasted bread.

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