Tuscan-Style Veal Chops


Grilling expert Steven Raichlen creates an instant sauce for his veal chops by resting the cooked meat on a bed of olive oil with garlic and fresh herbs.

Active Time:
15 mins
Total Time:
40 mins
4 servings

Frequently asked questions

What is veal chop?

There are two types of veal chops: veal loin chops and veal rib chops. They're both bone-in, contain a similar ratio of lean meat and fat, and are well-suited for high-heat cooking methods like grilling and pan-frying. Veal loin chops, or porterhouse chops, are similar to t-bones, with tenderloin on one side and strip loin on the other. Veal rib chops, on the other hand, are from the upper section of the rib roast. A bit smaller than loin chops, they're extremely tender and juicy. For this recipe, you'll need four rib chops.

How do you know when veal chops are done?

Because they're so lean, it's important not to overcook your veal chops or else they'll become tough. The internal temperature of a medium-rare veal chop should register 145°F; for medium, don't exceed 160°F.

Note from the Food & Wine Test Kitchen

"When you grill a piece of meat and then anoint it with some kind of fat, it mixes with the meat juices and creates instant sauce," Steven Raichlen says. "At Peter Luger Steakhouse in Brooklyn, steaks get finished with a pat of butter; other places use beef tallow." In Tuscany, olive oil is the fat of choice for finishing aromatic veal chops like these; here, Raichlen combines it with garlic, rosemary, and sage.

Suggested pairing

These Tuscan-style chops go well with a Sangiovese-based Tuscan red — not a surprise, since Tuscan Sangiovese usually has a lightly forest-y, herbal aroma.

Cook Mode (Keep screen awake)


  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for drizzling

  • 2 garlic cloves, minced

  • 1 tablespoon rosemary leaves

  • 1/4 cup sage leaves

  • 4 (12-ounce) veal rib chops, cut 1-inch thick

  • Kosher salt

  • Freshly ground black pepper


  1. Light a charcoal grill. On a platter, mix the 2 tablespoons of olive oil with the garlic, rosemary, and sage. Season the veal chops with salt and black pepper and drizzle generously with olive oil. Grill the chops over moderately high heat, turning once, about 6 minutes per side for medium. Transfer the chops to the platter and turn to coat with the olive oil and herbs. Generously drizzle the veal with olive oil and let stand for 3 minutes, turning the chops a few times. Spoon the juices and oil over the chops and serve.

Tuscan-Style Veal Chops
© James Baigrie
Originally appeared: June 2007

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