Kim Toscano

Kim Toscano

Kim Toscano has worked in horticulture and communications for over twenty years, using her scientific training and practical experience to educate and inspire gardeners. She began her career studying invasive plant and insect species before taking a role with the Cooperative Extension Service, which she served for 11 years, initially as an educator with Michigan's Master Gardener program.

In 2007, Kim moved to Oklahoma to serve as writer and host for Oklahoma Gardening, a weekly PBS television program produced by the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service. During her seven-plus years as host, Kim shared her expertise through more than 1,000 video segments covering all aspects of gardening, environmental stewardship, and sustainable living. To support her programming, she designed over a dozen gardens at The Botanic Garden at Oklahoma State University, including a formal terraced garden, an organic vegetable garden, and themed ornamental gardens.

Kim turned her design skills to private gardens in 2015, working with homeowners as a gardening coach and designer. Much of her freelance writing also focuses on aspects of design, for which she illustrates example gardens. She has written over 350 articles for national magazine and online media outlets. Right now, she is most excited about gardening for birds and pollinators.

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