Beware Of The Alabama Red Wasp

Keep your eyes peeled.

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Red Wasp
Photo: Don Johnston/Getty Images

Ouch! Those intimately acquainted with the sting of Alabama's notorious red wasp know that they never want to encounter another. And who can blame them? Knowledge is power, so get to know this flying insect and you'll have a better chance of staying safe from its painful sting.

The red wasp's scientific name is Polistes carolina, and it's one of two species of red paper wasps. The red wasp is a small, inch-long flying insect with a red or reddish-brown body, dark wings, and a stinger that can pack a painful punch. Though they seem to have notably dense populations in Alabama (especially in the summertime when they're out in droves), many Southerners are well acquainted with red paper wasps because they can be found throughout the eastern United States.

Where Do Red Wasps Live?

Red wasps live from New York down to Florida and west to Texas and Kansas. While some wasps are solitary, P. carolina is a social species. These wasps live in colonies, with up to 5,000 insects living in a single nest at one time. The wasps build their nests by breaking down plant and wood fibers to form a papery substance. That substance is shaped and, when dry, forms a honeycomb-celled structure the wasps then inhabit.

They also can live in hollow portions of trees or beneath eaves and bridges. Their nests look similar to other paper wasp nests but may be umbrella-shaped. The wasps forage to feed on other insects and nectar during the daytime but are found in the nest after dark.

Are Red Wasps Dangerous?

Red paper wasps tend to be more aggressive than other species of paper wasps, and the females of the species are the ones that sting. Because red wasps do not lose their stingers in the process, they can sting you repeatedly.

It's best to steer clear of this stinging pest. However, when wasps are on the move, stings happen. If you're stung, you can expect pain and swelling, which is often accompanied by itchiness. You should apply ice to counter the swelling and may find some relief by applying hydrocortisone cream. If, however, you are allergic to wasp stings or are prone to severe allergic reactions in general, you should seek professional medical care immediately.

How To Get Rid Of Wasps

If a wasp nest shows up close to your home or in high-traffic areas, intervene as soon as possible. It's best to knock off nests in spring while they are tiny and don't house more than a handful of insects. A high-pressure stream of water can help dislodge nests from high spots. Don't do this while you see wasps in the nest or nearby, as they will fly to its defense.

If this isn't possible, you can soak nests with a can of wasp spray designed to shoot from a distance. Soapy water is also effective in quickly killing wasps, but you'll want to wear full protection and use a sprayer that can hit the nest from a distance.

Sprays will kill wasps hit with direct contact almost instantly, but it can take up to 24 hours for an insecticide to fully soak into the nest. Wait until dark when the wasps are calm and in the nest before spraying, and don't try to destroy a nest until at least 24 hours have passed. If you are prone to allergic reactions or discover a large nest, calling a pest control company instead of handling this yourself is often the best course of action.

If a wasp nest is far enough from your home that the insects won't bother you, you can choose to leave it alone. Believe it or not, paper wasps are beneficial as they feed on caterpillars that can cause damage in the garden.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the difference between a red wasp and other wasps?

    Red wasps are paper wasps—they are social and gather in colonies to build a nest that they will defend. With the exception of hornets and yellow jackets, most wasp species are solitary and not aggressive. Red wasps also are almost completely reddish-brown, while other wasps may be black or striped with yellow.

  • Will a red wasp chase you?

    Paper wasps aren't as aggressive as yellow jackets, but they may chase you if they think the nest is in danger. Wasps tend to react to sudden movement, so it's best to carefully back away if you discover a nest. If you do need to run from a wasp or wasps, they usually will stop chasing you after 50-100 feet.

  • What are the signs of a red wasp infestation?

    Some signs of a red wasp infestation include a frequent buzzing noise, spotting wasps or their nests, and wood damage, including small holes or chewed wood and saliva.

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  1. University of Arkansas, Arthropod Museum. Red wasp.

  2. University of Arkansas Arthropod Museum. Red wasp.

  3. NC State University, General Entomology. Social wasps.

  4. Johns Hopkins Medicine. Insect stings.

  5. Arizona Pest Control. Why Do Wasps Chase Humans?

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