10 Foods You May Want to Second-Guess Eating As Leftovers

Wait a minute, is that rice?

Southern Living How to Cook Brown Rice fluffing with a fork

Caitlin Bensel; Food Stylist: Torie Cox

Smart Southerners love leftovers. They're a godsend on busy weeknights, when you can't muster the motivation to cook, and who doesn't love a full plate of Thanksgiving leftovers?

However, not all leftovers are created equal. Some things just don't reheat well. And some leftovers can even be dangerous! To find out which foods fall into these categories, we talked to Chef Robbie Nicolaisen of The Hound in Auburn, Alabama, and Chef Brad Stevens of Dovetail in Macon, Georgia.

But if you can't bear throwing food out, check out the Editor's Notes below from our Senior Food Editor, who shares your aversion to waste.

  • Chef Robbie Nicolaisen of The Hound in Auburn, Alabama
  • Chef Brad Stevens of Dovetail in Macon, Georgia


Nicolaisen and Stevens say you should avoid eating leftover eggs.

"Other than the texture becoming rubbery, reheating eggs can be bad for you if reheated too long or multiple times," Nicolaisen explained. "Eggs turn green from overcooking by the nitrogen oxidizing, and therefore can actually make you sick."

Editor's Note

"You can breathe a sigh of relief—this obviously doesn't apply to deviled eggs. If you're microwaving deviled eggs, you've got bigger problems than a tummy ache."

French Fries

Those crispy, delicious french fries are never quite the same when you reheat them at home.

"You typically want to avoid reheating french fries because restaurants cook French fries twice before serving," Stevens explained. "First, they blanch them and then they fry them. By the time you order them, they were already cooked two times."

This means that when you reheat french fries, you're essentially reheating them a third time. If you reheat them in oil to bring back the crispy texture, the end result will be extremely greasy.

Editor's Note

"If you can't bear to throw those extra fries away (I'm talking about myself), here's a way to reheat them that is acceptable in my playbook: Spread them in single, even layer on a rimmed baking sheet and bake at 350°F until warmed through and crisp, about 10 minutes."


As a general rule, Stevens only orders enough steak to consume in one sitting when he's out. He says steak doesn't hold up to reheating because when it's in the refrigerator, all the muscle fiber seizes up. The end result is dry and disappointing.

Editor's Note

"Obviously steak is best straight from the grill, but it's too expensive to toss to the raccoons! Follow these tips for reheating leftover steak."

Non-Oily Fish

Non-oily fish such as sole or catfish are delicious when they're freshly prepared, but they leave something to be desired when you reheat them.

"Most types of non-oily fish dry out really easily when reheated," Nicolaisen noted.

Editor's Note

"I tend to agree with the experts on this one; I like fish, but it's usually not my first choice, and I can't think of a time I've eaten fishy leftovers (shudder). However, I do love crab cakes, and you can flake leftover fish and sub it for crab in most recipes."


Rice may look harmless, but believe it or not, it can be a potential source of food poisoning. That's right, bacillus cereus and other bacteria begin to develop in rice when it sits at room temperature. Subsequent refrigeration and reheating won't remove this bacteria, so it's best to cook the amount of rice you need for your meal and no more to eliminate the risk.

Editor's Note

"Hold up before you burst into a panic and start purging your fridge. I've eaten leftover rice more times than I can count, and I haven't grown a tail yet. Leftover rice is fine if stored properly and eaten within a reasonable window of time."


Zucchini and other varieties of squash can be a wonderful addition to your meal, but Nicolaisen doesn't recommend the leftovers.

"Due to their high water content, they typically become really watery and soggy when leftover," he stated.

Editor's Note

"I can't argue with the experts on this one—squash is a water-logged critter, no way around it. If you're bound and determined to reheat squash casserole, drop it by heaping spoonfuls into a hot, oiled skillet. Cook until the bottom is crisp and the squash is heated through."


If your favorite shrimp recipe doesn't taste quite as good the next day, there's a reason for that. Stevens says shrimp is all about the texture and mouthfeel. When you reheat it, that texture becomes rubbery and much less pleasurable.

Editor's Note

"The reason shrimp get rubbery is because most folks tend to overcook them in the first place. If you want to enjoy leftover shrimp, don't cook them to death in the first place. And if you choose to reheat them, do so gently, over medium heat in a skillet or in a low oven. Do NOT microwave them—this only leads to sadness."

Chicken Wings

Stevens says that when you order chicken wings in a restaurant, they're generally cooked twice, just like french fries. Because of this, they tend to be tough and chewy if you reheat them a third time.

Editor's Note

"I'm going to straight up argue with Chef Stevens on this one. There is absolutely nothing wrong with leftover chicken wings, as long you reheat them gently. If you want to get super-fussy about it, sure, a thrice-heated wing could potentially get tougher. But who cares? Eat it cold if you're that concerned."

Mashed Potatoes

Few Southern sides are as beloved as mashed potatoes, but they just aren’t as good after they’ve spent the night in the refrigerator. While we have developed several hacks for reheating mashed potatoes, I personally prefer my taters fresh from the stovetop.

Editor's Note

"If you can’t bear to depart with those leftover spuds from Sunday dinner, follow these mashed potato reheating tips from our Deputy Editor."

Fruit Salad

It’s a real shame that every Southern meal seems to require a fruit salad, but it’s often the dish that goes untouched. To add insult to injury, fruit salad does not keep well. Once fruit is cut, it starts to release juices, so after a spend-the-night party in the fridge, it’s usually a big soupy mess.

Editor's Note

"If you can’t bear to say goodbye to that juicy fruit, blend it up into a smoothie if you wish, just don’t count on it to be pretty the next day."

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