How To Get Paint Out Of Carpet

If you spill paint on carpet, all is not lost.

Accidents happen. When wet paint lands on your carpet, your first reaction might be to freak out, and we don't blame you. The thing is, there is definitely a wrong way to clean up that kind of mess. Luckily, we are here to point out the right way. Getting a paint stain out of your carpet is easier than you might think.

Below, Samantha Hodges, director of Digital Marketing at, explains how to remove paint effortlessly, with specific tips for both water- and oil-based paint. When a paint spill occurs, quick action will give your rug or carpet a better chance of escaping this calamity stain-free.

Spilled Paint on Carpet
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Samantha Hodges is director of Digital Marketing at, based in Fort Mill, South Carolina.

Considerations Before Getting Started

Act fast: Time is of the essence when you are tackling any stain but especially when it comes to paint. Oil-based stains cling to the fibers of your rug, so begin removing the stain as quickly as possible to avoid a lasting stain. Water-based paint spreads quickly, so catching a stain early can prevent further damage from being done to your rug or carpet.

Many of the cleaning steps for water- and oil-based paint clean-up are the same. Using a clean cloth, blot, never rub. Rubbing a stain causes it to spread and could embed it more deeply into the fibers. Blotting helps pull stains up and out of the rug's surface, preventing them from seeping into the binding. This is particularly important with water-based stains, as water in the rug's binding can result in mildew.

Carpets and rugs are made of many different types of materials and some chemicals can damage them. If you don't know the materials used in your carpet, a small amount of soapy water is usually a good, safe place to start but keep in mind that some natural fibers like jute or sisal could be ruined with too much water. Finally, before you treat any carpet or rug with chemicals or cleaning solution, double-check that the solution is okay to use on your carpet.

What You Need

The key to cleaning anything is to be prepared. "Make sure supplies are stocked so that when a spill happens, and spills do happen, you are ready," says Hodges. Below are a few items she suggests to have on hand:

  • Clean white cloths or paper towels
  • Dish soap or detergent
  • Putty knife
  • Gentle scrub brush
  • Small bowl or bucket of water
  • All-purpose rug cleaner, like Uni-Cleaner

It's always smart to keep an all-purpose rug cleaner handy when you need to tackle a spill on rugs or carpets. "It safely cleans the toughest stains (like fruit juice, oil, ketchup, wine, coffee, or salsa) from upholstery, carpet, and other water-safe fabrics," explains Hodges. "It protects from oily stains and soil by penetrating the fabric with unique loom soil and stain repellent." Your fabric will resist re-soiling, become easier to clean, and stay soft.

A close up of carpet

Getty Images / Tamilisa Miner

How To Get Water-Based Paint Out Of Carpet

Step 1. Gather Supplies

Collect what you need to work on the stain. A clean cloth, paper towels, mild soap or detergent (that doesn't contain bleach), a gentle scrubbing brush, and an all-purpose rug cleaner should be handy in this type of situation.

Step 2. Soak Up Excess Paint

Soak up as much excess paint as possible with paper towels, being careful not to spread the paint further. Throw out dirty paper towels and then get ready to tackle the stain.

Step 3. Add Water And Blot Stain

Focus on diluting the paint that has soaked into the carpet by adding small amounts of water. Be careful not to add too much water, you don't want to make the paint spread further and create a larger stain.

Repeat by pouring small amounts of water and continue to blot, blot, blot. Be patient. It may take multiple tries to see improvement or get rid of the paint stain completely.

Step 4. Use Soap And Water

Tackle any paint left on the carpet or rug by creating a soap and water solution with a few drops of soap, and continuing to blot. Don't overdo the dish soap or you will have a bigger mess. Just use small amounts.

Step 5. Try Carpet Cleaner

If water and soap haven't removed the stain completely, try a carpet cleaning solution that is designed specifically to help tackle tough stains. Commercially available cleaners are tested for effectiveness and safety but make sure you follow the step-by-step directions on the bottle.

How To Get Oil-Based Paint Out Of Carpet

Step 1. Gather Supplies

Get your cleaning supplies so they are handy and ready to help treat the paint spill. Water, a putty knife, mild soap or detergent (that doesn't contain bleach), a gentle scrubbing brush or cloth, and a rug cleaner are great to have ready. When choosing a rug cleaner, look for one designed with oil stains in mind. It will help strip the oil from your rug or carpet fibers without stripping color or hurting the integrity of the fibers themselves.

Step 2. Remove Excess Paint

Start by removing excess paint from the carpet with a putty knife. Gently place the knife under the spill and scoop or scrape up the paint. Repeat until you remove as much excess paint as possible. Do not scrub with the knife as it may make the stain worse.

Step 3. Use Soap And Water

Once you've gotten rid of the excess paint, it's time to treat the paint left on the carpet. Start with a homemade cleaning solution of a mild detergent or dish soap mixed with cold water to remove the remainder of the stain.

Blot small amounts of the soapy water with a clean cloth. Always, always, always blot. Never rub. Rubbing may cause the paint to embed deeper into the rug's fibers and damage your rug further.

Step. 4. Repeat And Use A Brush If Needed

If the paint stain doesn't go away immediately, it may take several rounds of blotting with the soapy water mix. Try not to use too much water on the carpet as it may cause the paint stain to spread. Some carpet materials might also need a soft brush to help with the stain but if you aren't sure, a cloth or paper towels are always the safest choice.

Step 5. Use Carpet Cleaner

If the stain is still present, treat the carpet with a commercial cleaning solution. The best way to clean a rug is to use a purpose-made rug cleaner. Take advantage of the research and science behind cleaners but before using it on your area rug, be sure to read the bottle for step-by-step directions and determine if it is safe with the materials in your rug.

When To Call A Professional

If all else fails, don't rule out calling a professional rug and carpet cleaner if you don't succeed in removing the paint stain. Not all paints, rugs, or spills are created equally. The experts have seen it all when it comes to spills and carpet stains and know the best techniques to remedy staining without damaging your rug or compromising the integrity of the design or pile.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I get dried paint out of carpet?

    First, use a scraper or utility knife to scrape off excess paint, then vacuum up the paint chips. For latex (water-based) paint, soak the stain with soapy water, then use a brush to gently scrub the paint and blot with a cloth. Oil-based paint can be dabbed with acetone or paint thinner and blotted, then washed with soapy water. Check color-fastness first by dabbing the carpet in a hidden area.

  • What will remove paint stains from carpet?

    If soap and water don't do the trick, you can try dabbing the stain with acetone, turpentine, or rubbing alcohol. Test color-fastness of the carpet first by dabbing a small amount on a hidden area of the carpet. You can also purchase a product made for this purpose, like Goof Off Paint Remover For Carpet.

  • Will rubbing alcohol remove dried paint from carpet?

    Rubbing alcohol can help break down oil-based paint stains and make them easier to remove. Wet the stain with water first, then dab with rubbing alcohol and blot the carpet. Rinse and repeat as needed.

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