How Long Does Cut Watermelon Last?

Temperature is key to preserving watermelon.

sliced watermelon

Nothing beats the taste of a refreshing piece of watermelon on a hot day, so having some cut up and ready in the refrigerator is crucial as the days warm up. That said, cutting an entire watermelon yields a good amount of fruit that needs to be consumed, which may have you wondering: How long does cut watermelon last?

Once you cut a watermelon, it can be stored safely in the refrigerator in an airtight container for about five days, says Alabama-based dietitian Chelsea Edwards. 

“The exposure to oxygen causes fruits to break down once cut,” adds Edwards.

Chelsea Edwards is a Registered Dietitian and the owner of Huntsville Nutrition Collective in Huntsville, Alabama

How Long Does Cut Watermelon Last?

Temperature dictates how long cut watermelon lasts, so it’s important it be stored in the refrigerator.

According to the USDA, “Fresh fruits and vegetables vary widely in their storage times–from a few days to several weeks. Very few can be safely stored at room temperature for long, and most must be kept in the refrigerator.”

The Food and Drug Administration recommends thorough washing of all fruit and vegetables using cold running water during preparation.

“Once fruits and vegetables are cut they should be refrigerated in covered containers or frozen in plastic freezer containers. Avoid leaving cut, peeled and cooked fruit and vegetables at room temperature for more than two hours,” the website states.

How To Tell If A Watermelon Is Ripe

  • Check the bottom: It’s important to only cut watermelon once they are ripe to enjoy the best flavor. When picking a watermelon, Edwards says to look for one with a white spot on the bottom, because that indicates it sat long enough in the field to get ripe. 
  • Examine the rind: The rind of the watermelon is another indicator of how ripe a watermelon is. “The rind of a ripe watermelon should be firm and not mushy or soft and it should not give when you press on it,” she says. “The rind of an overripe watermelon is softer to the touch than a watermelon that is not overripe.”
  • Listen to it: Edwards explains that tapping on the watermelon is another easy indicator.  “The ‘thump’ of an overripe watermelon will sound different than a quality watermelon,” she says. “Overripe watermelons typically make more of a ‘thud’ noise.”
watermelon chunks

How To Tell If Watermelon Is Bad

The first indicator that watermelon has gone bad is a mushy appearance or texture.

“Cut watermelon that is going bad is likely to have an off smell or slimy texture and may taste sour or give off a fizzy sensation,” Edwards says.

Any watermelon that has visible mold should be thrown away.

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