3 Ways To Ripen A Tomato, According To An Expert

Three easy ways to ripen your tomatoes at home.


Trying to find the perfect tomato can sometimes be like locating a needle in a haystack. Whether a tomato is too firm or too green when purchased, don’t lose hope �� you can easily ripen tomatoes at home.

“Ideally a tomato is left on the vine until it is ripe, but often when we shop at the store that's not always an option,” registered dietitian Chelsea Edwards tells Southern Living.

Edwards offers three simple ways to ripen tomatoes at home, including how to know when it’s time to toss an overripe tomato.

Chelsea Edwards is a Registered Dietitian and the owner of Huntsville Nutrition Collective in Huntsville, Alabama


3 Ways To Ripen Tomatoes

Like other fruits, tomatoes can – and will – ripen even after they have been picked, so don’t lose hope if you’ve got firm, green tomatoes on your hands. Edwards says there are three easy ways to ripen tomatoes at home:

1. Put Them In A Bag

According to Edwards, the best way to ripen tomatoes that are already picked is to put them in a bag. 

“Ethylene gas is produced by the tomato skin,” Edwards explains. “When placed in a closed paper or plastic bag, this trapped gas will help ripen your tomatoes more effectively than if they are just left on the counter.”

To expedite this ripening process, Edwards says you can also add an unpeeled banana to the bag. The banana will produce more ethylene gas, which helps ripen the tomato.

2. Use A Warm Environment

Storing tomatoes in a warm environment will help them ripen faster than a cold environment. 

“If you're not in a rush for your tomatoes to ripen, a warm environment and time will ripen them,” Edwards explains, adding that avoiding direct sunlight allows tomatoes to ripen evenly.

3. Find A Fruit Bowl

Because unripe tomatoes need ethylene to ripen, consider placing them alongside a ripening fruit (such as a banana or figs) in a fruit bowl to bring your tomatoes up to speed.

“Adding them to a fruit bowl will speed up their ripening so keep that in mind when choosing where to store your tomatoes,” Edwards says.

green tomatoes

Can You Use Overripe Tomatoes?

Overly ripe tomatoes will be soft, may have wrinkles, and are usually hard to cut, Edwards says. 

“They can still be used, but generally are going to taste best when cooked,” she says. 

There is a fine line between overly ripe tomatoes and tomatoes that have gone bad. Avoid eating tomatoes with mold on them. “And if the seeds inside of your tomatoes start to sprout, it is best to throw those away or plant them rather than eat them,” she says.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to ripen tomatoes in a paper bag?

    Tomatoes need ethylene gas to ripen, so placing the unripe tomatoes in a paper bag alongside a banana and sealing the bag will help ripen the tomatoes quickly. 

  • Can you ripen tomatoes on a windowsill?

    Technically yes, but the tomatoes may ripen unevenly.

  • Can I ripen tomatoes indoors?

    Certainly. Tomatoes that have already been picked can be ripened indoors using a bag, warm environment, or fruit bowl. Tomatoes that are still on the vine can be brought inside in pots, or dug up (roots and all) and hung in a cool and dry location until tomatoes ripen.

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