How To Store Grapes To Make Them Last

Learning the best way to store grapes ensures you’ll be able to enjoy the fresh bunch before the fruit turns

Whether you prefer to eat your grapes by the bunch, as part of a cheese and charcuterie board, or in smoothie form, the key to getting the best flavor and texture from the fruit all comes down to proper storage. The refrigerator crisper drawer is the best place to store fresh grapes since they thrive in cold temperatures and 90-95% relative humidity.

Grapes aren’t the most inexpensive grocery store item, which is all the more reason to maintain their freshness for as long as possible to avoid wasting spoiled fruit. Here's how to store grapes for optimal freshness.

Grapes in Bowl

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How To Store Grapes

A bowl of countertop grapes may look pretty and inviting, but, in fact, leaving grapes out on the counter is not a good way to keep the fruit fresh. 

For crisp and tasty grapes (read: not mushy), you’ll want to store them in a container in your fridge’s crisper drawer

After washing the bunches and gently patting the grapes dry, place them in a well-ventilated container such as a colander or a reusable plastic container with vents, and then put this in the back of the crisper drawer. Plastic bags or airtight containers with no ventilation aren’t a good idea because in order for the grapes to maintain their freshness, they need to be exposed to the cool air of your fridge.

Fruit in Crisper Drawer

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Do Grapes Need To Be Refrigerated?

According to the California Table Grape Commission, grapes should be refrigerated immediately. The thin-skinned fruit does best in 30ºF to 32ºF, with 90 to 95 percent relative humidity. Since grapes will pick up odors from stronger-smelling items such as leeks, scallions, and ramps, it’s best to keep them in a different area of your fridge.

How To Buy Grapes

Even with proper care for grapes, bear in mind that good grape eating starts in the grocery store. Be careful when selecting grapes, and look for bunches that are relatively intact. A few stray grapes at the bottom of the bag are ok, but if more grapes are off the stem than on it, it’s best to move onto another bag as too many loose grapes indicate the grapes may not be super fresh. And, while fine to eat immediately, if you want to get more than a few days out of the produce, avoid bags containing lots of loose fruit.

Also, look for fresh green stems. Dry stems indicate the fruit has aged. The grapes should be firm with no signs of shriveling, and check their color. Red and purple grapes should be deeply colored with no green (or brown!). Green grapes should lean yellow-green for the best flavor. Black grapes should have rich, full color. If the bag has a lot of mushy, moldy, or shriveled grapes, choose another one. If the grapes smell like vinegar, don't buy them. They'll start to smell as they go bad.

How Long Do Grapes Last?

Grapes stored in well-ventilated containers that are kept in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator can last up to two weeks. 

Grapes that have been cut have a much shorter shelf life though, and you can expect to get just a couple of days of fresh grapes after they’ve been split.

Can You Freeze Grapes?

Frozen grapes are a delectable summer treat, though they can also be enjoyed year-round. Freezing grapes is so easy too! 

All you need to do is wash and dry your grapes and remove them from the stems. Lay individual grapes out on a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil or parchment paper. Pop the tray in the freezer for several hours or overnight, and once they are fully frozen, you can transfer them to another container to save space in your freezer.

Eat by the frozen handful or sprinkle on ice cream for an extra special treat.

How To Keep Grapes Fresh Longer

Don't let that big bag of grapes spoil in the back of your refrigerator. Keep these tips in mind so you'll have fresh, crisp grapes that last:

  • If bought at optimal freshness, grapes will last up to two weeks in the refrigerator. Remember: Counter storage is the quickest way for the fruit to spoil. 
  • Frozen grapes can be enjoyed for about a year after freezing. Much longer than that and you risk losing all or most of the fruit’s flavor.
  • Moldy grapes or brown, mushy grapes should be discarded. If your grapes start to feel quite soft and not at all firm to the touch, they may also have turned even if their color and outward appearance look fine.
  • Make sure you are using the proper storage vessel for the grapes. Not only do they need to be kept in a high-humidity crisper drawer with other fruits requiring high humidity for maximum freshness (e.g. strawberries, melons, and unripe bananas), but they need to have air circulating around them. 
  • Since grapes are typically packaged in ventilated bags, it’s perfectly fine to return the bunches to their original packaging and place the bag in the fruit crisper drawer after washing.

How To Use Grapes

If you find you have more grapes than you can use in a couple of weeks, try cooking with them. Add them to salads, serve them roasted with pork, or freeze them for a healthy snack. Grapes can be overlooked as a recipe ingredient, but they’ll add a touch of sweetness that will make you want to include them in your favorite meals. 

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  1. California Table Grape Commission. Grape storage and handling best practices.

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