Homemade Graham Cracker Crust

This buttery graham crcker crust is a blank canvas for many of your favorite pies.

graham cracker crust - southern living

Caitlin Bensel; Food Stylist: Torie Cox

Active Time:
15 mins
Total Time:
35 mins
1 (9-inch) crust

Hand-blending pie dough, rolling it out, and having to delicately transfer it to a pie plate may not be high on your list of things to do, especially during a busy holiday season. So make a graham cracker crust instead.

The simple technique of combining three ingredients (graham crackers, butter, and sugar) and pressing the crust into a pie plate is accessible for anyone, even the newest bakers. It only needs 10 minutes to bake, and you can even skip the baking if you're doing a no-bake pie.

Learn how to make a homemade graham cracker crust. This toasty crust works especially great in those sweltering summer months when nobody wants to run an oven for an hour. Plus, it tastes so much better than store-bought.

Tips for the Best Graham Cracker Crust

Our Test Kitchen has made hundreds of these crusts over the years. They share these tips to make it easier and see you through any challenges:

  • Crumbly is OK: When you first start pressing this pie, it's going to be crumbly and sandy. However, it will come together with a bit of work.
  • Don't press too hard: There's a fine line between good pressure and bad when you're pressing out the crust. You want to tightly pack the crust without smashing through it, so press just until the crust stops moving. Then, move to the section beside it and press again.
  • Round the bottom: Instead of making a sharp angle in the crust where the sides meet the bottom of the pie plate, stack in an extra bit of crust so it's rounded. That will help the crust be stronger in that weak area. Plus, it'll just look nicer once sliced.

Ingredients for a Graham Cracker Crust

You need just three ingredients for our graham cracker crust:

  • Graham crackers: This recipe is versatile when it comes to the cookie you use. For the traditional crust, go with honey graham crackers—they offer a toasted flavor and crispy texture that lends itself to a successful crust. I've tried the store brands, and they are blonder in color and less firm. In tests, I found they yielded a crust with less flavor that had a soft, almost moist texture. No matter which cracker or cookie you choose, you can use this same recipe. Just be sure you process 1 1/2 cups worth of crumbs.
  • Butter: Opt for unsalted butter. It's always a good choice because it allows you to control the salt in a dish. Melted butter in this recipe acts as a binder for the graham cracker crumbs. It also adds a rich flavor to the finished crust.
  • Sugar: I like granulated sugar in here, but you could split the measurement with brown sugar if you wanted some of that molasses flavor. Don't skip the sugar though—it gives the butter an assist in holding the crumb together.

Can you use other types of graham crackers?

Easily sub in the chocolate graham crackers for your chocolate icebox pie, or cinnamon graham crackers for a little added spice in your next s'mores pie. You need 12 full graham sheets or 1 1/2 cups of ground crumbs.

ingredients for graham crackers - southern living

Caitlin Bensel; Food Stylist: Torie Cox

How To Make a Graham Cracker Crust

Making a homemade graham cracker crust isn't terribly difficult. Full instructions with step-by-step photos are further below, but here's a brief outline of the process:

  • Process graham crackers: Break the graham crackers into pieces that will fit in a food processor. Blend the crackers until they resemble sand.
  • Add sugar and butter. Add sugar to the food process, and mix until well combined. Pour the mixture into a bowl, and pour in melted butter. Stir until well combined.
  • Add mixture to pie plate: Pour the crust mixture into an ungreased pie plate, and press into the plate. You can use your hands, but for a good, firm back, use the bottom of a measuring cup or glass. Press up the sides of the pie plate, too. Then smooth out the upper crust.
  • Bake: Bake the crust for about 10 minutes. Let cool completely before adding your preferred filling.

What if I don't have a food processor?

Don't worry! People have been making graham cracker crust for years the old-fashioned way. Put your graham sheets into a heavy-duty zip-top plastic bag, get out your rolling pin, and make some space on the counter. Roll back and forth over the cookies until they crush to a fine sandy texture.

Do I Need to Bake a Graham Cracker Crust?

The beauty of this crust is its versatility. If you want a simple, no-bake dessert, like icebox pie or cheesecake when the temperatures rise outside, just press all the ingredients into your pie plate, and move it to the refrigerator to chill. Of course, baking does impart a nice toasty flavor.

Graham Cracker Crust Variations

Once you know how to make the classic, try one of these fun twists:

  • Add spice: It's easy to spice up your graham cracker crust with ingredients like cinnamon, nutmeg, or ground ginger.
  • Add zest: Don't forget about citrus zest. A little orange, lime, or lemon zest would be nice in this crust.
  • Try coconut: Toasted coconut always makes a welcome addition to a key lime pie crust, which uses a graham cracker crust.
  • Blend in some nuts: You could also adjust the recipe to accommodate for some nuts. Toasted hazelnuts or almonds pulsed in with the grahams give the crust even more depth.
  • Swap butters: If you're feeling fancy, brown your butter. Browned butter gives the crust a nuttiness without adding nuts.

Can I Make This Crust Ahead and Freeze It?

Yes, you can make a graham cracker crust and freeze it. You'll want to bake it first so it retains its shape. Then, cool completely before heading to the fridge or freezer.

A pre-made graham cracker crust can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days before use. It will keep in the freezer for up to three months, as long as you wrap it well.


  • 12 sheets honey graham crackers (about 1 1/2 cups once finely ground)

  • 6 Tbsp. unsalted butter, melted

  • 1/4 cup sugar


  1. Prepare oven:

    Preheat oven to 350°F.

  2. Process graham crackers:

    In a food processor, blend graham crackers until the consistency of fine sand.

    graham crackers in food processor

    Caitlin Bensel; Food Stylist: Torie Cox

  3. Add sugar:

    Add sugar, and pulse to combine. Empty into a mixing bowl.

    blending graham crackers and sugar

    Caitlin Bensel; Food Stylist: Torie Cox

  4. Add butter:

    Pour in melted butter.

    butter poured into bowl with graham crackers

    Caitlin Bensel; Food Stylist: Torie Cox

    Empty into a mixing bowl

    mixing ingredients for graham cracker crust

    Caitlin Bensel; Food Stylist: Torie Cox

  5. Transfer crust mixture to pie plate:

    Empty the crumb mixture into an ungreased 9-inch pie plate, and spread evenly.

    graham crackers poured into pie plate

    Caitlin Bensel; Food Stylist: Torie Cox

  6. Press crust into plate:

    Using your hands, press the mixture across the bottom of the pie plate and up the sides.

    pressing graham cracker crust into pie plate with measuring up

    Caitlin Bensel; Food Stylist: Torie Cox

    Once evenly distributed, use a measuring cup to pack the crust tighter. Using your fingers, gently press sides into the pie plate until the crumb holds together uniformly. Smooth the top of the crust edge with your fingertips.

    graham cracker crust ready to bake - southern living

    Caitlin Bensel; Food Stylist: Torie Cox

  7. Bake crust:

    Bake at 350°F for 10 minutes. Remove, and allow to cool before adding any filling.

    graham cracker crust cooling on wire rack

    Caitlin Bensel; Food Stylist: Torie Cox

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I use other types of cookies?

    Vanilla wafers are the perfect crust for banana cream pie. Ginger snaps make a spicy base for pumpkin cheesecake, and Ritz crackers offer a savory alternative for peanut butter pie. You could also sub in Oreos (just the wafer part), Biscoff, shortbread cookies, or even saltines if you want to try our Atlantic Beach Pie.

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