The Best Types Of Tomatoes To Grow In The South

These are the best types of tomatoes that will stand up to the heat and humidity of the South.

There’s absolutely nothing as amazing as a fresh-picked tomato still warm from the sun. In fact, tomatoes are one of the most popular plants in home gardens, alongside beans, summer squash, and herbs such as basil. But with hundreds and hundreds of tomato cultivars, or cultivated varieties, it’s tough to choose which ones you should plant to stand up to the heat and humidity of the South.

Whether you’re a traditionalist and plant only heirloom types your Granddaddy grew or you’re all about experimenting with new types bred for improved disease resistance, you’ll get the highest yield when you grow a few different types. Just make sure to set plants out after all danger of frost has passed in your area, and give them at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight per day. Tomatoes do not do well in shade.

With top picks from All-America Selections (AAS), which trials seed performance for home gardeners, here are the best types of tomatoes to grow in the South:

Tidy Treats Tomato


Determining What Tomatoes To Plant

Types of Tomatoes

Slicing types are ideal for eating fresh. Paste types are meatier, and are ideal for paste. Grape and cherry types are bite-sized for salads and snacking. They are typically the least fussy to grow. Many varieties, especially grape and cherry, grow well in containers on your deck, patio, or balcony.

Determinate vs. Indeterminate

Another consideration is the growth habit of different types of tomatoes. Determinate tomatoes grow 3 to 4 feet tall in a bushy form and produce fruit over four to five weeks, then die off long before summer. Indeterminate types grow to 6 to 10 feet tall and produce all season, often until the first frost. Both types benefit from a trellis or tomato cage to keep their foliage off the ground because tomatoes are vulnerable to many soilborne diseases.

 Below are common varieties that do well in the heat and humidity of the South, divided by type:

Slicing Varieties


Buffalosun Tomato


This indeterminate type has good disease resistance, especially to late blight, so you will be able to harvest late into the season. Its pretty, marbled fruit has a firm texture and less cracking than similar heirloom-type slicers. It’s an AAS winner.

Cherokee Purple

Cherokee Purple Tomatoes

Courtesy of Johnny's Selected Seeds

If you prefer an heirloom variety, this indeterminate type sports rich, red color and deep flavor on large tomatoes up to 5 inches across.


Celebrity Tomato


This determinate slicing tomato is an AAS winner which produces meaty 8-ounce fruits under a wide variety of conditions. It has excellent disease resistance.

Pink Delicious

Pink Delicious Tomato


This AAS winner is an indeterminate, early-maturing slicer which resembles an heirloom type but with better crack and disease resistance. Its large pink fruits are sweeter than other pink types.


Stellar Tomato

Photos courtesy of Ball Horticultural Company

This determinate tomato yields loads of round, red 5 to 7-ounce fruit with good flavor. It also boasts good disease resistance to common problems such as late blight.

Chef's Choice Red

Chef's Choice Red Tomato


This beefsteak-type indeterminate vine stays tidy, maxing out at 5 feet tall. It has a prolific yield of 8-ounce fruits and good disease resistance. It’s an AAS winner.

Chef's Choice Yellow

Chef's Choice Yellow Tomato


This yellow version of Chef’s Choice has a meaty texture and sweet, citrus-like flavor. This indeterminate vine yields tons of 10-ounce fruits with good disease resistance. It’s another AAS winner.

Paste Variety

Early Resilience

Early Resilience Tomatoes


This rounded Roma-type tomato is an AAS winner with a determinate bushy form. It’s resistant to many diseases including blossom end rot, a common issue for paste-type tomatoes. It’s a great little tomato for canning. 

Cherry and Grape Varieties


Juliet Tomatoes


An AAS winner, this indeterminate type produces long clusters of large shiny red grape-shaped tomatoes which are resistant to cracking and several common tomato disease including early blight and late blight.


Sun Gold Tomatoes

Courtesy of Johnny's Selected Seeds

This indeterminate cherry type has pretty orange fruit with a sweet-tart flavor.

Super Sweet 100

Supersweet 100 Tomatoes

Courtesy of Johnny's Selected Seeds

Multiple branches yield tons of half-inch sweet red tomatoes. This indeterminate cherry type will set fruit even in the heat and will keep producing all summer long.

 Tidy Treats

Tidy Treats Tomato

Photos courtesy of Ball Horticultural Company

This indeterminate type is an ideal snacking size that is ideal for container planting and small space gardening due to its compact size. Its small red fruits are super sweet.

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