A Spotlight On Allrecipes Allstar: Alyson Richardson

Allrecipes Allstar Alyson Richardson talks about how her family's celebrations are rooted in her heritage.

Allstar Alyson Richardson stands at her kitchen island with her husband and six children in the background.

Allrecipes/Molly Thrasher

Alyson is one of the 60 million cooks in our Allrecipes community and an Allrecipes Allstar.

What is an Allstar? Food bloggers, registered dietitians, and more home cooks (just like you!) make up our enthusiastic squad of 100+ brand ambassadors. This crew of food lovers has submitted thousands of recipes, photos, and reviews over the years, plus shared their cooking expertise all over our website and social channels. In short, they make all of our cooking adventures more successful. Interested in becoming an Allrecipes Allstar? Learn more, and sign up here.

Q&A with Alyson

Allrecipes: Tell us about yourself! 

Alyson Richardson: I am a mom of six and have been cooking since I was old enough to handle sharp kitchen cutlery with the women of my family. I’m known as Aly in the Kitchen, and I spend my days teaching children and thinking of new recipes for my family to try.

 AR: What is in your fridge? 

AR: My fridge is a journey of pure comedy and chaos–there are so many things in it happening simultaneously. I have the fermented section with sourdough starter, store-bought kimchi, and drinks (store-bought and home-brewed kombucha). I have condiments bursting from the doors, literally. Then there's the ever-present meat thawing for Sunday dinner. I can't forget the four dozen eggs, various forms of dairy, many types of deli meats, sliced and gourmet cheeses, and a never-ending supply of fresh fruit and veggies lurking about. 

AR: What is your favorite easy weeknight Allrecipes dish?

AR: Easy Alfredo Sauce simply because I always have these ingredients on hand, and who can resist an easy main dish? Plus, this meal is simple and quick enough for my teens to make for the whole family, which makes it the perfect weekday meal. 

AR: Who or what is inspiring you right now? 

AR: The people who make loaves and loaves of sourdough bread using a starter they made themselves and people who have turned their lawns and backyards into huge food gardens. These people have me trying to "perfect" my sourdough starter and bread making and planning to start a food garden in my front and backyard. 

AR: What does entertaining mean to you? 

AR: Planning everything, down to the color of paper napkins, music playlist, and matching cutlery. I love entertaining, even if it's only my hubby and our six children. I enjoy creating meals and arranging the food on decorative platters for all to enjoy.  

AR: Eight is a lot of mouths to feed. Any tips on how to keep a large crew fed and happy?

AR: Yes, feeding eight people with different tastes can be exhausting; however, my crew is easy to please as long as I feed them quality food. Planning is always vital, but I do some things to ensure everyone is happy. First, I'll ask if anyone has something in mind they'd like to eat and build up my menu from there. Additionally, I keep staples on hand for them to make noodle bowls, tuna salad, sandwiches, breakfast for dinner, and smoothies and smoothie bowls. This guarantees that there is always something that sounds good to eat. 

AR: What's one easy tip for the home cook?

AR: Always remember that there is no one way to do anything.

Passing the Cooking Batton

Alyson's love of cooking came from her family, mainly from the long line of women who always cooked large family meals with goodies from their gardens. The camaraderie they had working together to prepare meals in the family kitchen is a memory she holds close. She still remembers when her Mother passed the cooking wand to her and allowed her to be a part of the magic.

Alyson Richardson and female relatives in the kitchen

If you know anything about a family of women who cook and cook well, favorite dishes are only prepared by the "experts" who know what they're doing. Alyson’s moment came when her Mother asked her to make the baked macaroni and cheese and peach cobbler for the annual Thanksgiving dinner. "I knew then, as I prepared those Thanksgiving staples for our huge family gathering, that I had arrived and became one of the women in the kitchen who belonged there," says Alyson.

Alyson Richardson Thanksgiving Cobbler

Thanksgiving has always been a cherished culinary memory for Alyson. As a small child, she remembers watching her Granny create meals and being in awe at how everything magically seemed to come together by the time the family arrived. Then, as a teen, the excitement she felt while helping her parents prepare the turkey, ham, and many side dishes added to that magic. "Being able to be a part of that upbringing has truly inspired me in the kitchen," says Alyson. She now cooks with her six children, preparing dishes like this perfect Sweet Potato Cobbler, the quintessential dish to anyone's Thanksgiving feast.

Always Celebrating

Like many, the kitchen is Alyson's favorite place to gather in her home. Its open layout makes it the perfect location to hang out as a family and have flowing conversations while Alyson whips up goodies. Many celebrations start here, especially as a large family of eight. One type of event that the Richardson family takes seriously is birthdays. Alyson's birthday has turned into a month-long celebration, and she has also started to do that with her children's birthdays. "We do six of them yearly, one every other month," says Alyson.

Allstar Alyson Richardson and her family baking at their kitchen island.

Allrecipes/Molly Thrasher

Growing up with a big family, Alyson is familiar with large gatherings. "It was like, oh, we're just gonna throw a few steaks on the grill, and the next thing you know, there's 30 or 40 people here," she recalls. "When you have big families, everyone knows where everyone lives, so people just pop up." Now, Alyson is the matriarch of her large family and continues the tradition.

One of Alyson's favorite ways to celebrate is with themed cooking. She plans the menus each month, typically cooking seasonally. Once she decides on a main dish, she prepares corresponding side dishes, desserts, and drinks. She even wears a coordinating apron and plays music to match the theme. Themed parties are a fun way to celebrate any occasion, and with a minimum of six a year, Alyson has become an expert in party planning. “There is nothing worse than being stressed with people looking at you when they're hungry," says Alyson. She recommends always planning and making a list to ensure you stay on budget and remain calm for the festivities. 

Learn more about Alyson and what she's cooking in her kitchen!

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