A Tribute To Allrecipes Allstar: Lindsay Breeze

Allrecipes Allstars come together to pay tribute to fellow Allstar Lindsay Breeze through her favorite love language: food.

Linday Breeze

We are deeply saddened to share that Lindsay, one of the 60 million cooks in our Allrecipes community and an Allrecipes Allstar, passed away on November 22, 2023 in Denver, Colorado. As a result of this tragedy, she was able to save six lives through organ donation and help many others through tissue donation. She is survived by her husband and daughter, Todd and Jasmine Breeze, and her mother and brother, Michel and Seth Zweig.

We sat down with Lindsay's husband, Todd, and friends from the Allstar community, Ramona Cruz-Peters and Lorraine Rector to learn more about this beloved home cook whose reviews and recipes cover our site.

Allrecipes: Tell us about Lindsay.

Ramona Cruz-Peters: Lindsay was a wife, mother, and homemaker. Much to the delight of family and friends, Lindsay was also a renowned cook and loved trying all kinds of recipes. She loved her online community of friends and bonded with them through food and cooking. She was always ready with advice or recipe recommendations whenever someone needed one. Lindsay had hundreds if not thousands of recipes saved on her phone and added to them daily.

AR: What was Lindsay's most-made recipe? 

Todd Breeze: Hands down, it has to be Lindsay's pot roast. I told her I was not too fond of pot roast because my mom always made it, and it was always tough and dry. Lindsay made this recipe, and it instantly changed my mind. 

AR: Did Lindsay have a favorite recipe?

Ramona and Lorraine: Lindsay's favorite thing to do was bake cookies, cakes, muffins, pies, and especially coffee cakes. Lindsay loved a good coffee cake! One of her favorites is this Polish Cream Cheese Coffee Cake. 

AR: What's one tip you learned from Lindsay?

Todd Breeze: Anyone can be a great cook; you just have to follow a good recipe. She would say if all the ingredients are good, then the food can't come out that bad.

Food is Love

Lindsay was always trying new recipes. It was one of the things that she loved to do the most. She especially loved cooking for her husband, Todd. It brought her so much joy to see how much he enjoyed it. Every week, she would try three to four new dishes, tweaking them until they were perfect. Todd was always up for trying her latest recipes. "She always told me she didn't care if anyone liked her food as long as I liked it," said Todd.  

Lindsay was passionate about making people happy, which came out in her cooking. In Lindsay's eyes, the best way to show someone you loved them was cooking for them. It’s only fitting that we look at some of her favorite dishes she loved to prepare for family and friends. 

Heavenly Cranberry scones

With a name like Heavenly Cranberry Scones, you know these will be divine. Light fluffy, sweet, and purely delicious! Trust us; the combination of tart cranberries and buttery goodness is an absolute delight. This dish is a keeper, and a festive one for the holiday season.

 Lindsay's Cordon Bleu Casserole

Another favorite that’s sure to be a crowd-pleaser is Lindsay's Cordon Bleu Casserole. This rich, creamy, decadent casserole will appeal to the pickiest of eaters. Over the last month, our Allstar community has been whipping up this dish for their families. The ease, flavor, and coziness have left the community praising this dish with comments like "I even got thirds" to "This is a repeater at our house."

Lindsay Breeze

"I developed this recipe because I needed to find a comforting casserole from items already in my house. It comes together quickly when you have cooked chicken to use up."

— Lindsay Breeze

To honor our beloved Lindsay, let's celebrate her love for trying and sharing new recipes by making one of her recipes this holiday season. Learn more about Lindsay's recipes and what she cooked in her kitchen.

Learn more about the Allstar Community.

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