You Can Take Shelter Dogs Out for the Day at a Winery and Beach in Portugal

Raw Algarve Adventures offers travelers a wine tasting, beach trip and volunteering with shelter dogs all in one amazing excursion.

collage of dog with a view of Portugal behind him, collaged with hand holding a glass of wine with beautiful scenery in the background
Photo: Raw Algarve Adventures

Do you love wine? Do you love the beach? What about dogs? If you answered yes to all of these questions, we have the perfect trip for you. Raw Algarve Adventures, a tour company in Portugal, offers a "Dogs. Wine. Beach" excursion that includes all three.

Algarve is the southernmost region of Portugal, known for its stunning beaches, amazing weather and delicious food. This tour allows visitors to experience Algarve's best, starting with a nature walk with dogs from a local animal shelter, where you and your pup for the day can soak up some sun. Afterwards, you head to a vineyard to taste some local Portugese wine and head to the beach for a big lunch and swim. We're not sure about you, but this sounds like one of the most idyllic trips we've ever heard of!

Raw Algarve Adventures aims to give tourists the true Algarve experience and takes them to local hot spots that are likely off your resort's beaten path. It's also a neat way to volunteer abroad getting to foster a dog for the morning—plus, these pups are absolutely adorable.

Just look at these squishy little faces!

The excursion costs just over $70 per person, so it's definitely worth adding to your itinerary if you're ever visiting this popular Portugese destination. Plus, if you had a rough flight or were under a lot of stress prior to your vacation, this is the perfect way to ease into OOO mode—both being in nature and playing with animals have been shown to reduce stress and boost your mood. Also, there's wine involved, which is just the icing on the cake. Felicidades!

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