How to Store Butternut Squash

Plus, get tips on what to look for when buying butternut squash.

Apple & Pecan Stuffed Butternut Squash

Butternut squash is one of the most popular varieties of winter squash—and for good reason. The vegetable can be used in a myriad of delicious recipes, from Apple & Pecan Stuffed Butternut Squash (pictured above) to Penne Pasta with Sausage, Butternut Squash & Chard. Plus, the winter squash is also good for you as it is packed with vitamin A, potassium and magnesium. Learn how to store butternut squash properly and reap all the benefits of this tasty vegetable.

What to Look for When Buying Butternut Squash

Butternut squash is known for its gorgeous golden hue and firm, smooth texture. The vegetable has a hard outer shell, which helps lengthen its shelf life, so it's important to choose a squash without soft spots, bruises or nicks. Look for squash that feels heavy relative to its size. A heavy squash is a good indicator of freshness.

How to Store Whole Butternut Squash

Store whole butternut squash in a cool, dry and well-ventilated area. The ideal temperature for butternut squash (and any winter squash) is between 50℉ and 60℉, so a cool pantry or cellar would work best. Do not store whole squash in the refrigerator as the cold temperatures don't increase the shelf life and could affect the texture. When stored correctly, whole butternut squash can last for up to 2 months.

How to Store Cut Butternut Squash

If you're planning to use only part of a butternut squash, or want to prep the vegetable beforehand, you can store cut butternut squash in the refrigerator. Store cut squash in an airtight container and use within seven days.

Once you're ready to use your butternut squash, the possibilities are endless. Learn how to cook butternut squash and recipes like Roasted Brussels Sprout & Butternut Squash Salad and Instant Pot Butternut Squash Risotto can be on your table tonight.

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