Why Drinking Water All Day Long Is Not the Best Way to Stay Hydrated

Though it might sound counterintuitive, chugging water all day isn't the best way to hydrate. 

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Staying hydrated is one of the best things you can do for your health. Most bodily functions work better when you're well-hydrated, including healthy heart function and skin elasticity. Being well-hydrated helps lubricate and cushion your joints, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A 2024 survey even suggests that well-hydrated people are happier and more productive.

Most Americans, however, don't drink enough water, which can lead to chronic dehydration. Dehydration comes with a slew of nasty side effects like mental fog, overeating and even higher stroke risk.

There are many healthy ways to stay hydrated. You can carry a reusable water bottle with you to sip throughout the day or nosh on hydrating foods like watermelon, tomatoes and beans (most raw fruits and vegetables have a high water content).

That said, more water isn't necessarily better. Chugging as much water as you can all day is probably not the best or most efficient way to stay hydrated—and it's technically possible to overdo it.

Can I Drink Too Much Water?

There is such a thing as overhydration that causes some unwanted and potentially dangerous side effects. Overhydrating can result in hyponatremia, where you retain water but flush out necessary electrolytes like sodium and potassium. This causes cells throughout the body to swell and can lead to nausea, vomiting, dizziness and, in rare cases, even death.

Endurance athletes such as marathon runners or triathletes are at a higher risk of hyponatremia during competition, as it is common to take in large quantities of water while losing sodium and potassium through sweating.

Hand holding a water bottle on a designed background
Getty Images / Valeriia Sviridova / EyeEm

How to Properly Hydrate

Does this mean you should avoid drinking water to avoid overhydration? No, but it does mean that you may want to be mindful of electrolytes and include other forms of hydration throughout the day.

One 2021 study published in Nutrients, found that drinks containing varying amounts of carbohydrates and protein might be more hydrating than plain water alone in the short term.

The reason for this could be due to the role of the electrolytes sodium, calcium, potassium, chloride, phosphate and magnesium. These electrolytes are minerals in the body with a variety of functions, one of which is fluid balance.

While plain water does not contain electrolytes, many foods and other drinks do. This is why it's important to include food or drink sources of these minerals as well as plenty of water to stay balanced throughout the day.

Foods that contain electrolytes include watermelon, dried figs, avocados, bananas and spinach. Milk also contains electrolytes, and there is some evidence that it may hydrate as well as or better than water.

The Bottom Line

Water is still super important for hydration, and most of us should be more concerned about dehydration than overhydration since most of us don't drink enough water to begin with. By eating a variety of foods and including drinks like milk and 100% juice, along with sipping on water throughout the day, you most likely will be able to stay well-hydrated and keep your electrolytes balanced, Electrolyte drinks might be necessary if you're exercising or working at a high intensity or in the heat. When it comes to drinking water, slow and consistent wins the race.

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