The Best High-Fiber Lunch, According to a Dietitian

Packed with fiber, this hearty lunch always leaves me satisfied.

a recipe photo of the Roasted Chickpea Curry Bowl

Carson Downing/Diabetic Living Magazine

What do you prioritize when it comes to lunch? For me, it’s all about the fiber. Maybe that sounds odd (or maybe not, I am a registered dietitian after all), but I’ve found that a high-fiber lunch makes me a better human, especially at work. I have plenty of fiber-rich meals that I like, but this Roasted Chickpea Curry Bowl is by far my favorite. With 10 grams of fiber per serving, it’s as satisfying as it is delicious.

You may have heard that most people don’t consume enough fiber. According to the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, women should aim for at least 25 grams of fiber each day, and men, at least 31 grams. Most Americans (as in roughly 95%) fall short of that recommendation. This can be for many reasons, like choosing refined over whole grains or neglecting to add a variety of vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and seeds to our eating pattern. 

Why does this matter? Because fiber plays an important role in promoting health as well as in the prevention and management of certain conditions such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Beyond that, fiber helps make meals more satisfying, thanks to the extra time it requires for digestion. High-fiber foods also require more chewing time, which can slow down eating and make it easier to listen to the internal cues signaling you're full.

How to Make This Roasted Chickpea Curry Bowl

This delicious fiber-packed lunch starts by tossing cauliflower florets and chickpeas with olive oil, curry powder and salt. While those ingredients are roasting (and developing flavor), cook up some quinoa. Since quinoa takes only about 15 minutes to cook, it’s ready by the time the chickpeas and cauliflower are fully roasted. Take the quinoa off the heat, then add 4 cups of chopped baby spinach. The final step is preparing the dressing, which is a simple mixture of tahini, lime zest, lime juice, garlic and pepper. Toss it all together for a delicious, satisfying meal.

A great meal is one that can be prepped ahead of time, and this is one of those meals. Cook up a big batch of quinoa over the weekend or when you have extra time and store it in your fridge or freezer until you’re ready to enjoy the dish. Or, consider buying frozen, precooked quinoa to save even more time. The cauliflower can be chopped one or two days in advance, or if you’re looking to eliminate dirty dishes, grab a bag of pre-cut cauliflower at the store as an easy swap. Finally, you can also make the dressing in advance. It will keep in the refrigerator for up to three days. You can also portion into lunch containers, making it an easy grab-and-go lunch option for work or school.

The Bottom Line

To me, a delicious, satisfying lunch starts with plenty of plant-based fiber. This Roasted Chickpea-Curry Bowl packs a punch of flavor and, with 10 grams of fiber, it fills you up in the best way and helps provide lasting energy for whatever the day holds. Prep the ingredients in advance to make life easy and enjoy it at home or as an easy at-the-office lunch.

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