Ludo Lefebvre's Quiche Lorraine Has an American Twist

On this week's episode of Ludo à la Maison, Lefebvre shows how to make the perfect quiche with friend and actress Minka Kelly.

Quiche Lorraine is a pretty iconic French dish—it's a classic pie from Lorraine, Ludo Lefebvre says in this week's episode of Ludo à la Maison. The recipe traditionally calls for lardons, onion, and gruyère, but since we're in America, Lefebvre notes, he uses cheddar cheese instead. He prepares the dish with guest Minka Kelly, with a couple obstacles along the way—a burnt pre-prepared quiche, forgotten nutmeg, and a bracelet-stuck-in-the-mixer situation. The end result, however, turns out delicious, and it's a versatile dish you can eat any time of day. Check out some tips for making perfect Quiche Lorraine below.

Ice water makes good crust

As you're mixing the pie crust, slowly add in the ice water. Lefebvre says this is a little trick to make it flaky.

Flatten the crust

You need to refrigerate the crust for about an hour before you bake it—flatten it out, so it gets colder faster.

Roll strategically

Lefebvre gives two tips for rolling out crust. First, to put the weight in the center of the rolling pin as opposed to the outside handles; and second, to use the rolling pin to help pick up the crust and transfer it to the dish.

Use weights

Once you do pre-cook the crust, put some aluminum foil in it and fill it with weights, so it all keeps the same shape.

There is no secret to cutting onions

While Kelly and Lefebvre work on the onions and bacon, she asks him if there's a secret to cutting onions without crying—and unfortunately, his answer is no. "I've cooked for 33 years," he said, "and I always cry. When they're very strong, you cry."

Don’t forget the nutmeg

Lefebvre realizes he's forgotten to get nutmeg—"you cannot do a quiche without nutmeg," he laments—so he runs out to Whole Foods to grab some while Kelly mans the bacon and onions on the stove. Once he returns, he grates it fresh into the egg and half-and-half mixture.

You might need to do some extra mixing

Lefebvre notes the cayenne pepper didn't mix well into the eggs and half-and-half, so he throws it into a mixer for a quick "buzz."

Order is key

When you're building the Quiche Lorraine, the crust is obviously on the bottom—then, put in the onion and bacon filling, followed by the custard, and finally, a smattering of grated cheese on top.

Use a knife to check if it’s done

After the quiche bakes for an hour, insert a knife into the center—if no liquids come out, it's cooked.

Make it vegetarian

Traditional Quiche Lorraine calls for bacon. However, if you want to make it vegetarian, Lefebvre says spinach, broccoli, or mushrooms can be substituted in.

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