Oysters on the Half Shell with Rosé Mignonette

Great oysters are delicious "naked," as Island Creek founder Skip Bennett says, but sometimes chef Jeremy Sewall dresses them up with a mignonette (vinegar sauce) like this one, made with sparkling rosé.

Oysters on the Half Shell with Rosé Mignonette. Photo © Michael Turek
Photo: © Michael Turek
Total Time:
10 mins
Cook Mode (Keep screen awake)


  • 1/2 cup sparkling rosé

  • 2 shallots, minced

  • 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar

  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

  • 2 dozen oysters, shucked

  • Shaved ice, for serving


  1. In a bowl, combine the rosé, shallots, vinegar and pepper. Arrange the oysters on a bed of ice and serve with the mignonette

Make Ahead

The mignonette can be refrigerated for up to 6 hours. Serve chilled.

Suggested Pairing

The freshness of raw oysters is a terrific match for effervescent sparkling wine. To go with this rosé mignonette, pour a sparkling rosé like the wild strawberry–scented Raventós i Blanc de Nit Cava from Spain.

Originally appeared: August 2011

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