Tart Cherry Tonic

Tonic of Uptown * MinneapolisThis restaurant and lounge occupies all three floors plus the roof of a century-old building that once housed a movie theater, a car dealership and a dental academy.Plus: Ultimate Cocktail Guide

1 drink
Cook Mode (Keep screen awake)


  • Ice

  • 5 ounces cherry juice

  • 1 1/2 ounces fresh lime juice

  • 1 1/2 ounces Simple Syrup

  • 2 ounces chilled 7 UP

  • 1 lime wedge


  1. Fill a pint glass with ice. Add the cherry juice, lime juice and Simple Syrup and stir well. Top with the 7 UP, then squeeze the lime wedge over the drink and drop it in.

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