I Never Leave Aldi Without These Two Items That Each Cost Less Than $1


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It’s the summer of salads—or at least it is for me. On a sweltering Alabama day, when our air conditioner simply can’t keep up and it’s so humid that condensation starts building on our windows, there’s absolutely no way I’m turning on the oven or stove to make dinner. A no-cook meal is a must, which means I’m 100 percent reaching into my produce drawer for two trusty items: cilantro and parsley. It’s no secret that herbs are a fast and easy way to liven up any meal, but the fact that I can now snag two of my favorites on my weekly trip to Aldi has made my life a million times easier. And at less than $1 per bunch for both cilantro and parsley, the flavor to cost ratio is astronomical.  

Why Fresh Herbs Are Summer Staples

I’m ashamed to say that I used to think of fresh herbs as a luxury. If I wanted a little something to season roasted veggies or to add to a homemade salad dressing, I’d simply reach into my spice cabinet and put in a couple shakes of whatever was closest to the front. But ever since I got on the fresh herb train, I just can’t go back. My latest mission is to convince my husband to plant me an herb garden in our backyard.

For a relatively small produce section, I can get just about anything I need for a week of meals and snacks at Aldi. Lemons, avocados, Brussels sprouts, mangos and even okra are all at my fingertips when it’s the right season. The addition of fresh herbs really sold me on Aldi’s produce section being enough.  

Typically, I buy a pack of both cilantro and parsley on Sunday, and it lasts me through the following weekend. The cilantro is usually packed with a couple bundles, while the parsley comes with just one. The uses, however, are endless.

How I Use Fresh Cilantro From Aldi

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My sincerest apologies to those “cilantro tastes like soap” people, but cilantro really does make everything taste better. Since Aldi’s cilantro packing can be a little inconsistent (I’ve gotten as many as three bundles per bag and as few as one), I always follow these instructions for storing my cilantro to make sure they don't go bad. Here are my favorite ways to utilize the citrusy herb.

  • There’s nothing like homemade guacamole, and luckily Aldi has everything I need for my recipe, from the avocados and lime to fresh cilantro and jalapeno for a little kick.
  • Liven up taco night. Even if we’re doing something as simple as adding a taco seasoning packet to a pound of ground beef, a sprinkle of fresh cilantro and diced white onion gives taco truck vibes.
  • Use it as a garnish. If you’re uncertain about the best dishes to top with cilantro, my rule of thumb is that if the dish is Asian (Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, etc.), Indian, or Latin, it’s probably a safe bet to add a little sprinkle.

How I Use Fresh Parsley From Aldi

Fresh Flat-Leaf Parsley
Parsley. Riou / Getty Images
  • Add it to salads. I’m a salad-a-day type of person, so I’m always looking for a little variation in what I add to my bowl.
  • Make a quick tabbouleh. OK, I know it’s another salad, but it’s my latest summer lunch obsession. Dice cucumber, tomato, and some onion, then add generous amounts of chopped parsley, plus a drizzle of olive oil and plenty of fresh lemon juice. Top with crumbled feta, and you may find yourself repeating the recipe for the rest of the week.
  • Whip up a chimichurri. Make a double batch to use as a marinade and sauce for flank steak or chicken, then save the rest to use later as a dressing or sauce for cooked vegetables, rice, you name it.
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