Can You Eat Sprouted Onions?

Are those sprouts a sign the onion should be tossed?

As you grab an onion from your stash to add to your favorite recipe, something catches your eye—the dreaded green sprout shooting out, looking very suspicious. Can you add them to your favorite burger recipe, or are they past their prime? Before you automatically toss the sprouted onion into the trash, you should know a few things. These tips could save you some money and an extra trip to the grocery store. Read on to learn whether it’s safe to eat those sprouted onions or if they need to be tossed and how to prevent it from happening in the future.

sprouted red onion with onion skin

Caitlin Bensel; Food Stylist: Torie Cox

What Does It Mean When an Onion Sprouts?

The green stalk sprouting from the center of your onion bulb is the germinated bulb of the onion plant because onion bulbs are actually meant to grow new plants. In fact, it’s one of the secrets many gardeners use to ensure they never run out of onions and never have to buy seeds to grow them. So don’t be alarmed because this is Mother Nature’s master plan in action. The bulbs are just beginning to grow new plants because they've had the proper light and temperature conditions to do so.

Can You Still Eat an Onion That Is Sprouted?

Yes, you can; there’s nothing toxic or dangerous about using a sprouted onion. However, sprouting may result in a softer onion with a more bitter taste, which some people find less desirable (especially when eaten raw).

If you notice an onion has sprouted—whether it’s a yellow onion, white onion, red onion, sweet onion, or shallot—rotate it to the front of your pile, and use it as soon as possible because the longer the sprout gets, the softer your onion will become.

What Can You Do With Onions That Have Sprouted?

You can use sprouted onions just as you would any other onion, but they are well suited for recipes that involve cooking and frying because you won’t notice the softer texture. They are also ideal for use as a garnish (like on chili). If you don’t want to consume the sprout itself (though you can), simply chop it off, cut the onion in half, and remove any remaining portion of the shoots. Use these onions ASAP, as the longer they sit, the more bitter and softer they become.

How Can You Tell If an Onion Is Bad?

Sprouting isn’t necessarily a sign that your onion is bad, but there are other telltale signs to look for. If you see juice leaking or signs of decay or mold on the onion, then it’s time to throw it out. Also, if you notice a musty odor, that’s another reason to toss it and grab a fresher onion.

How Do You Properly Store Onions to Prevent Sprouting?

When it comes to onions, moisture is your arch nemesis. Exposure to moisture is what makes them start sprouting in the first place, which is why storing them in the fridge isn’t a great idea.

Sunlight is another no-no, because it will also cause sprouting. Therefore, onions should be stored in a cool, dark space (like a pantry or cellar with temperatures between 45°F and 55°F) to prevent sprouting.

Furthermore, the National Onion Association advises against storing onions with potatoes (onions emit ethylene gas, which will cause potatoes to ripen) or other produce that releases moisture and storing them in plastic bags.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can you plant a sprouted onion?

    You can plant a sprouted onion, but it will not grow a new onion. It will grow green onion sprouts that can be used in cooking.

  • Can you eat sprouted garlic?

    Yes, just the same as sprouted onion, you can eat sprouted garlic. It may taste different from regular garlic. It is less sweet and more bitter than garlic cloves.

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  1. Colorado State University, Food Source Information. Onions.

  2. National Onion Association. Storage and Handling.

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