
Epazote Chronicles

@mexicanity / mexicanity.tumblr.com

Food-inclined Mexican sharing... things.

UNUSUAL HOARD commission for mexicanity - this dragon knows whats up ( but can they actually cook ??)


I went down the rabbit hole of memory lane and saw 2015 was a good one. Happy with what happened. This was a highlight





*clicks play in morbid curiosity*

*hammers reblog button*


I think I find this post every April Fools Day and I am so happy that I do

I don’t know how I forget about this every year but I love it


This is the main reason I moved to Austin


Launching my first art blogs with a small comic based on the amazing words of Ursula K. Le Guin!


Sure there's zombies killing and eating people on the street but those people are not dying from the virus they're dying from comorbidities. For instance, that guy we saw getting eaten on the way into work today clearly died from blood loss, not infection, plus he already had a heart condition. People with preexisting conditions are just going to have to take care of themselves. Say it with me, "They're all already dead to me." See, that feels a lot better now doesn't it?

Good because you still have to go to work. No we're not paying you extra. Yes we're doubling grocery prices. No you don't qualify for disability. Or healthcare. Or a home.

Look, if you get bitten, you can stay home for one day, I guess 😒, but then you need to come in early. We're really short staffed at the moment, despite our company's profits being higher than ever. In fact we may be laying some of you off next month. You don't mind working off the clock right?

Also you look silly with that protective gear. We're gonna harass you for it, not like institutionally but just socially. Who cares if a zombie attacks you? Who cares if we invite them into the building? You don't need to defend yourself, you're just overreacting. If you get bitten just tell everyone the festering bite mark is from a different animal, that's what we all do.

And hey, don't worry so much. It's endemic, which means we don't have to keep track of how many people are dying from it anymore. Just look at those numbers! It's only killed 2,000 people in America this week! That's basically nobody! We're back to normal!

If everything starts tasting like rotting meat for the rest of your life, it's probably something else. If you experience brain fog or you forget things constantly or you're tired all the time after even minor physical activity, it's just because you're lazy. Yes every other virus you ever get will also be increasingly worse but that's just a coincidence. Those viruses just happen to be exponentially worse now.

Plus, those few weeks during the lockdown were terrible for my mental health. I just can't keep living like that, so we have to go back to normal life, which now involves people biting each other and twitching uncontrollably and rotting visibly.

You can't expect the world to wait for you. "Already dead to me," remember?


Launching my first art blogs with a small comic based on the amazing words of Ursula K. Le Guin!


I don’t really understand getting mad at people for mixing up korean, chinese, and japanese

Like, look at them together


and tell me they don’t look similar lol

they don’t look similar

This post’s notes are made of:

• Tumblr People™ trying to prove they’re not racists by explaining why and how these alphabets don’t look similar at all even if they don’t understand shit of it; • People with historical and linguistic knowledge arguing that while korean is indeed a different looking alphabet, China and Japan have a history of borrowed symbols and trade enough that some of it’s alphabets are indeed similar to an untrained eye - after all, not everyone has the same education and access to information to know how to differentiate it, aaaannd, best of all:

• Actual chinese, korean and japanese speakers pointing out that OP just wrote “i have a big dick” and variations.

official linguistics post


This was very lovely to wake up to. It's completely legit, in the replies people posted videos and pictures of the 'walk for El Vaquita', the fake protest to get El Vaquita desperately needed medical attention.

The comments in the tweet lead to celebration of a another Chilean comrade doggo named Negro Matapacos. And this is exactly the kind of education I want this month.


I love him. also

same energy

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