How To Ripen Pears

There are two easy ways to get the job done.

Pears are a juicy fruit that are often the crowning glory of any fruit basket. Delicious to enjoy on their own or in a recipe, their sweet and buttery texture make them an easy favorite. What isn’t quite as straightforward is when to know if pears are actually ripe, because just glancing at the skin of a pear won’t tell you much.

If you’ve hauled home a collection of pears from the grocery store or farmer's market, chances are they aren’t ripe yet, because they do not ripen on trees. It most likely leaves you wondering about how to ripen pears. Thankfully, it’s pretty easy and there are two methods you can try at home.

Chelsea Edwards is a Registered Dietician and the owner of Huntsville Nutrition Collective in Huntsville, Alabama. 


The Best Ways To Ripen Pears

It’s easy to ripen pears at home and there are two easy ways to get the job done.

Give them proper time. If you're not in a rush, you can simply leave a pear sitting out on the counter at room temperature and it will slowly ripen, usually within four to seven days, according to Edwards.

Speed up the process. If you'd like to ripen your pears faster, you can put them in a paper bag with ripe apples and/or bananas. “Doing so exposes them to ethylene, a natural gas emitted by ripe fruit that ripens the fruit around it,” says Edwards, adding this method takes about two to four days to ripen the pears.

pears on counter

How To Tell When A Pear Is Ripe?

Edwards says that unripe pears are typically hard and more tart, and Bartlett pears will get brighter in color when ripe.

USA Pears recommends their trademarked "Check the Neck" method to determine ripeness of non-Bartlett varieties. "Check the Neck for Ripeness daily by applying gentle pressure to the neck or stem end of the pear with your thumb,” their website states. “If it yields to pressure, then it’s ripe and ready to eat.”

Edwards explains that making sure a pear is ripe and passes USA Pears’ “press test” prior to eating is important. “This will give you the texture of a pear that's most enjoyable,” she says.

Store Pears Properly

When a pear has ripened, it should be moved to the fridge to lengthen shelf life. Prior to ripening, pears should be stored at room temperature to allow them to ripen on their own. “Once in the fridge, pears are generally best within three to five days,” Edwards says. “Refrigerating an unripe pear will delay the ripening process.”

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are pears ripe when you buy them?

    Usually not, because pears do not ripen on the tree.

  • Can pears be refrigerated?

    Yes, but only after ripening. Refrigerating an unripe pear will delay ripening.

  • Should overripe pears be thrown away?

    Overripe pears may not be as crisp to eat on their own, but can be blended for soups or sauces.

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