Sangria is definitely the most fun way to drink wine, and is a great way to make a big-batch cocktail any time of year. This Spanish beverage is traditionally made with red wine, chopped fruit and brandy, but you can use whatever kind of wine you like. White wine goes especially well with mangoes and peaches, while red sangria will typically have chopped citrus fruits or apples. Switch things up by adding lychees, rhubarb, cinnamon, limoncello, apple cider or fresh herbs, and use seasonal fruit so you can drink sangria all year long. One of our best tips is to make an ice ring, and serve the sangria in a punchbowl. Fill a Bundt pan with berries, chopped fruit, cucumbers or herbs, and distilled water. The sangria will look even more colorful, and it won't get diluted as quickly. Find your perfect sangria recipe with F&W's guide.