How to Tell if a Turkey Is Done Without a Thermometer

No meat thermometer? No problem. Use this hack to see if your turkey is cooked.

When checking your turkey's temperature using the recommended meat thermometer method, you're looking for an internal temperature of 165 °F all the way through to know that your bird is cooked and ready to eat.

But if you find yourself without the right tools on Thanksgiving, don't panic: All you need is a fork. According to turkey expert Nicole Johnson, determining when a turkey is done (and safe to consume) is as easy as pie. Here's what you need to know.

Nicole Johnson is the the co-director of the Butterball Turkey Talk-Line.

The Fork Method

To find out if your turkey is done without a thermometer, pierce the mid-thigh muscle with a fork, explains Johnson. "When the juices run clear, and no longer reddish or pink in color, it's a good indication that your turkey is done."

In most cases, the deep thigh is the last part of the turkey to be done. However, since imperfect ovens can cause certain parts of the turkey to cook faster than others, Johnson suggests checking for doneness in multiple areas of the bird to be sure that it's truly done cooking and safe for your family to eat.

Johnson also stressed that, while this technique will help guide you, the most reliable way to check a turkey's temperature is with a meat thermometer. It's also best to make sure the bird is fully thawed before you start cooking to ensure it cooks evenly.

When to Check for Doneness

Don't check on your turkey's doneness until it's about two-thirds of the way through its cooking time. Opening the oven frequently will lower the oven temperature and can majorly throw off the turkey's initial cooking time. So, it's best to keep the amount of times you check on the turkey to a minimum—even though it may be tempting.

The amount of time it takes to cook a turkey completely depends on its weight and whether you decide to stuff it or not.

  • Lighter birds, around 8 to 12 pounds, will cook for around three hours unstuffed but will take an additional 30 minutes with stuffing.
  • Heavier turkeys, anywhere from around 20 to 24 pounds, could take up to five hours to cook unstuffed.
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