How to Store Pumpkin Pie to Last Longer

We share tips for storing pumpkin pie so you can enjoy Thanksgiving leftovers as long as possible.

Pumpkin Pie With a Serving Knife in an Open Box Next to a Stack of Colorful Plates and a Fruit Basket
Photo: Alan Richardson/Getty Images

If you mostly bake fruit pies, you may not know how to store pumpkin pie or other custard-based pies. Can pumpkin pie be left out overnight like apple pie, you might wonder, or do you need to refrigerate pumpkin pie? How long can you keep pumpkin pie in the fridge, and can you freeze pumpkin pie? Read on for the answers to all these questions and more.

Do You Need to Refrigerate Pumpkin Pie?

Yes, homemade pumpkin pie should be refrigerated if not eaten right away. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) says that egg-rich pies (such as pumpkin) need to be refrigerated after cooling. Luckily, pumpkin pie tastes great served cold, right out of the fridge.

Can Pumpkin Pie Be Left at Room Temperature?

Pumpkin pie can sit on the counter at room temperature for only about two hours. Since pumpkin pie is a custard made of eggs and milk, you should think of it more like a quiche than a fruit pie (for storage purposes). Would you leave cooked eggs out overnight? Not likely—and it's definitely not advisable.

How Long Does Pumpkin Pie Last?

If stored properly, homemade pumpkin pie can be kept in the fridge for three to four days. That's perfect for enjoying your pie along with leftover stuffing and turkey in the days after Thanksgiving.

Store-bought pumpkin pie has preservatives that help it last longer. Check the sell-by or best-by date on the packaging to see how long it lasts.

See more information about how long pumpkin pie lasts.

How to Store Pumpkin Pie


Your local supermarket is stocked with a ton of pumpkin pies in the fall, and you may have noticed them lined up on tables rather than sitting in the fridge or freezer sections. That's because store-bought pumpkin pie has preservatives. If you buy pumpkin pie that's already been sitting out, you can continue to store it on your kitchen counter until the sell-by date, and generally a few days past that.


Homemade pumpkin pies should cool to room temperature once out of the oven. Then, if you are not planning to eat them within two hours, store them in the refrigerator. Refrigerating your homemade pie is easy, and it's the best way to store pumpkin pie. Follow these steps:

  1. Cool the pie. Place your freshly baked pumpkin pie on a cooling rack and allow it to cool for up to two hours.
  2. Wrap the pie. Once the pumpkin pie is completely cool (or at least cool to the touch), wrap it in food-safe plastic wrap or aluminum foil.
  3. Store in the fridge. Place your wrapped pie in the refrigerator. Keep it covered for up to four days.

If the pumpkin pie is still warm when wrapped or covered, condensation may occur, leading to a soggy crust. Avoid a soggy crust by placing the pumpkin pie in the refrigerator uncovered, then wrapping it.

Can You Freeze Pumpkin Pie?

Yes, you can freeze pumpkin pie so it lasts longer or to help save time. Both store-bought and homemade pumpkin pies can be frozen. Frozen pumpkin pies will be good for a month or two. Baking your pie ahead of time and storing it in the freezer is a perfect way to get a head-start on Thanksgiving preparations.

How to Warm or Defrost Pumpkin Pie

To warm refrigerated pumpkin pie, you can use the oven or microwave. Heating individual slices in the microwave (15 to 30 seconds) will be the quickest way to enjoy your treat.

If you have more time or prefer the oven for reheating, place the amount of pie you want to warm up in a 350° F oven. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper and lightly cover the pie with aluminum foil. Ten minutes in the oven should yield a perfectly warm slice of pie.

For frozen pumpkin pies, you'll need at least 12 hours of defrosting time. Place the frozen pie in the refrigerator and let it thaw. Avoid defrosting at room temperature on the counter, as it can lead to a soggy crust.

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